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Richard - Interview 22

Richard was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009. He had chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy. In April 2010 a CT scan found small marks on his liver. He has had an MRI scan and is waiting for results. He feels tired at times but otherwise well.

  • Background

    Richard was a finance director for a multi-national company. He is now retired. He is divorced and has three children. Nationality/ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 59
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • John - Interview 21

    John's first wife, Ann, became jaundiced in 1997 and had various investigations and surgery but biopsies were inconclusive. She developed secondaries in her liver 9 months later and was told it was terminal pancreatic cancer. She died 3 months later.

  • Background

    John is a retired pensions manager. He is married for the second time and has 2 adult children. Ethnic background: White English.

  • Age at interview 69
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Dorothy - Interview 20

    In 2007 Dorothy's doctor found she had an inoperable pancreatic tumour which he suspected was malignant. She is not having treatment now because the doctor said that it wouldn't help much but would harm her quality of life. Dorothy feels quite well.

  • Background

    Dorothy is a housewife. She has three children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 81
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Saba - Interview 19

    Saba's mother was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer 4 years ago after having appetite and weight loss. Ten weeks of gemcitabine chemotherapy had no effect on the cancer. She deteriorated gradually and died 11 months after diagnosis.

  • Background

    Saba is a designer. She is single and has no children. Ethnic background: Asian.

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Maureen - Interview 18

    Maureen was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 4 months ago after having abdominal pain and digestive problems. She is having chemotherapy (capecitabine and gemcitabine), which is shrinking the tumour, and hopes to go on to have an operation to remove it.

  • Background

    Maureen is a retired therapeutic counsellor; she is married with 3 adult children. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 64
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Susan - Interview 17

    Susan's mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 2009. The doctor told her mother that her condition was terminal and that there was no effective treatment available. Susan's mother developed pneumonia and passed away peacefully in August 2009.

  • Background

    Susan is an administrator/secretary. She is divorced. Ethnic background/Nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 79
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Anthony - Interview 16

    Anthony's wife, Martine, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. She was treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She had more chemotherapy in 2005 and 2008. A scan found that cancer had spread to her liver. Martine died peacefully in August 2008.

  • Background

    Anthony is a retired education officer. He is now a part time hospital chaplain. He is a widower and has two grown up children. Ethnic background/Nationality: White British/South African.

  • Age at interview 65
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Vicky - Interview 15

    Vicky was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2007. She had a neuroendocrine tumour which is rare. She had a Whipple's operation and then radiofrequency ablation to treat small lesions in her liver. She feels well but knows the lesions may increase in size.

  • Background

    Vicky is a bookkeeper (now retired). She is married. Ethnic background/ Nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Steve - Interview 14

    In 2009 Steve was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He had chemotherapy and radiotherapy to shrink the tumour, but the tumour remained too close to major blood vessels, so was inoperable. Steve feels quite well but knows he has a terminal illness.

  • Background

    Steve is an office worker (retired due to ill health). He is married. Nationality/ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Peter - Interview 13

    Peter was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer eight months ago after losing weight and having stomach pains. He has recently finished a course of radiotherapy with chemotherapy tablets and is awaiting a scan to find out what effect it has had.

  • Background

    Peter is a retired sheltered housing officer, he is married with two adult children. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 62
  • Sex/Gender Male