
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Elizabeth - Interview 09

In 1978 Elizabeth fell and broke her femur and an x-ray revealed that she has osteoporosis. She has been on alendronic acid for several years now but she thinks that it is not that effective because while on it she has had several other fractures.

  • Background

    Elizabeth regularly travels abroad to see family and says that osteoporosis hasn’t stopped her from having an active life and that she only thinks about her condition when she fractures...

  • Age at interview 85
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Laurence - Interview 07

    Diagnosed in 2003; was initially put on Didronel and then on Actonel and currently on weekly alendronic acid. He has doubts about the effectiveness of his medication. He suffers from severe back pain. Last DXA scan showed that he has three vertebral fractures. Recently he was referred to a consultant.

  • Background

    Laurence works in a dairy farm, is married with two adult children. His mother had osteoporosis and his brother has the condition. He was thinking about early retirement or part-time...

  • Age at interview 62
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Gloria - Interview 06

    In 1999 and following a wrist fracture, the doctor at the hospital advice her to ask her GP for a bone density scan to test for osteoporosis. No maternal history of osteoporosis, but surgery to both her kidneys. On alendronic acid once a week and on Adcal D3 once daily.

  • Background

    Married; worked as a shop manager but retired last year. She wrote to the Health Minister explaining that she had been waiting almost a year to have a DXA scan.

  • Age at interview 66
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Beryl - Interview 05

    In her forties Beryl fractured both her wrists. In 2005 she was diagnosed with osteoporosis. She takes ibandronate (Bonviva) once monthly and Calcichew D3 Forte. She has pain in her neck and back and has restricted neck movement. Other conditions diabetes and emphysema.

  • Background

    Beryl is a retired factory worker; she lives alone and is restricted in what she can do around the house but a friend helps her.

  • Age at interview 72
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Susannah - Interview 04

    Susannah was diagnosed in 1978. Over the years she has had many fractures; to her spine, wrists, toe, ribs, etc. She describes her condition as 'extreme osteoporosis. Susannah does not take any medication. She is concerned about the side effects of drugs.

  • Background

    Susannah is a retired teacher; does voluntary work with homeless people and continues doing further studies. She practices Pilates and Chi Kung exercises regularly.

  • Age at interview 76
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Valerie - Interview 03

    Diagnosed in 2004 following complains of back and neck pains; on alendronic acid, 70 mg once weekly. She has had three bone density scans and there was improvement on the second but the third revealed a small deterioration of bone density.

  • Background

    Works as a freelance interpreter. To include walking into her daily routine she uses public transport. On average she walks around seven miles or more per week.

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Michelle - Interview 02

    In 1981 Michele was diagnosed with severe endometriosis. In 1995 and following a health assessment she was told that she was at risk of osteoporosis and was initially put on etidronate. Two years later her medication was changed to risedronate (Actonel). She also has coeliac disease.

  • Background

    Michelle is a medical doctor; married. Her mother and maternal grandmother both had osteoporosis. She has always been physically active practicing several sports and jogging three times a week.

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Cressida - Interview 01

    Diagnosed in 1989; on alendronic acid 70 mg once weekly. In 2007, admitted into hospital for rehabilitation and pain control. She had physiotherapy and hydrotherapy and also commenced on a buprenorphine patch (for pain control). On oral glucocorticoid for asthma for about 26 years.

  • Background

    Cressida lives by herself but her daughter who lives nearby visits her regularly. She describes herself as ‘fiercely independent’. She needs help with cleaning the house and with washing her...

  • Age at interview 81
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Dr Pippa Corrie - Interview 44

    Dr Pippa Corrie explains that there are different types of pancreatic cancer and that sometimes chemotherapy is useful. She also talks about the standard chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer and about some of the clinical trials that are taking place in the UK.

  • Background

    Dr Pippa Corrie is a Consultant and Associate Lecturer in Medical Oncology at the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Addenbrooke’s Hospital).

  • Peter - Interview 43

    In 2008 Peter was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. He had chemotherapy which shrunk the tumour. In 2009 Peter had Cyberknife treatment. In March 2010 tests showed a recurrence, so now Peter is having more chemotherapy. He feels quite well.

  • Background

    Peter is a retired bank manager. He is married and has two adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 71
  • Sex/Gender Male