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Shelia - Interview 29

For the last five years before her diagnosis in 2003 she suffered from severe and painful backaches. She was in a wheelchair and her husband was her main carer. She was eventually referred to a consultant who secured funding for her to go on to the teriparatide treatment (Forsteo).

  • Background

    Married with six grown up children, worked part-time as a domestic but took early retirement due to ill health. Two of her daughters have also been diagnosed with the condition.

  • Age at interview 71
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Robert - Interview 28

    Robert was diagnosed with osteoporosis at the age of forty-three. Robert had to wait seven months before been referred to a bone metabolic specialist who sent him without delay to have a bone density scan. Now his osteoporosis is under control but he continues experiencing severe pain due to the damage caused by the condition.

  • Background

    Married, two daughters; early retirement due to osteoporosis. Works as a volunteer for the National Osteoporosis Society. He thinks it is important to raise awareness about osteoporosis in men.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Sarah - Interview 27

    In 2002 Sarah took part in a clinical trial were she was first diagnosed with osteoporosis. It seems that her diagnosis wasn't sent to her GP. In 2008 she fell and hurt her back and her GP sent her for an x-ray and it was then that her condition was officially diagnosed. Current treatment' alendronic acid once weekly and calcium tablets.

  • Background

    Retired NHS ward clerk, married. Sarah had an early menopause at the age of forty-two and a hysterectomy. Nationality/ethnic background’ white British

  • Age at interview 61
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Neville - Interview 26

    Medication; Didronel and later Fosimax but he did not stick to his treatment. In 2005; diagnosed with rectal cancer, had surgery and now uses an ileostomi bag. Neville wants to find out about non-oral medication for osteoporosis. Takes painkillers every day because he suffers from severe back pain.

  • Background

    Neville is married, has two sons and he is a retired Head porter. He is grateful for all the support his wife, sons and grandchildren give him.

  • Age at interview 74
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Noreen - Interview 25

    Diagnosed in 2006 following a compressed T11 fracture in the spine; experienced severe pain. Surgical procedure; Kyphoplasty. Oral medications provoked adverse side effects. Currently on intravenous drug; ibandronate 3 mg once every three months plus calcium tablets.

  • Background

    Widow, two children, lives on her own in a small rural community. She enjoys the support of neighbours and friends. Noreen recommends Kyphoplasty, it has reduced her level of pain.

  • Age at interview 77
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Iris - Interview 24

    Her diagnosis of osteoporosis was prompted by her being invited by the osteoporosis nurse for a bone density scan. The type of fracture she had was unusually severe for the type of fall she incurred and, her age. She takes Actonel 3mg once weekly and calcium tablets.

  • Background

    Married; two daughters. Iris has recently retired and says that it is in denial about her osteoporosis because this was supposed to be her ‘me time’.

  • Age at interview 60
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Chris - Interview 23

    Diagnosed in 1999. She is taking Actonel and Calcichew D3 Forte. Initially she was taking Actonel 5 mg once daily but found it impractical, especially during working days. She now takes 35 mg once weekly. She still experiences back pain but not as severe as before diagnosis.

  • Background

    Divorced, two teenage sons; recently completed an MA in Arts, lawyer by profession. Chris says that her diagnosis enabled her to reassess her personal and professional life.

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Diana - Interview 22

    In 2003 Diana was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis of the spine. She paid herself to have the Forsteo (teriparatide) treatment that consists of daily subcutaneous injections for 18 months. Describes Forsteo as 'marvellous Currently on Actonel once a week.

  • Background

    Diana is retired, a widow and has two daughters. She walks everyday and once a week, she and a friend go with their local walking club for a longer stroll.

  • Age at interview 77
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Linda - Interview 21

    Diagnosed in 2005 and prescribed Fosamax 70 mg, once weekly and calcium tablets twice daily. A bone density scan in 2007 revealed that her bone density has improved and that she is osteopenic rather than osteoporotic. Linda continues taking her medication.

  • Background

    Married; two grown up sons; works part-time. She is a keen gardener but since diagnosis she regularly does weight bearing exercises. Maternal history of osteoporosis.

  • Age at interview 62
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Clare - Interview 20

    Participation in a biomedical study revealed that her bone density was below the normal margins. A DXA scan confirmed a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Prescribe alendronic acid 70 mg once weekly and Adcal D3 two tablets per day. Maternal history of osteoporosis.

  • Background

    Clare is a physiotherapist and since diagnosis decided to work part-time. She is determined to exercise everyday and makes sure she keeps a high calcium intake.

  • Age at interview 65
  • Sex/Gender Female