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Joan - Interview 39

Around 1994, Joan was prescribed increasing doses of steroid tablets over a nine month period to treat autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. The steroids caused her to develop osteoporosis. She has severe curvature of the spine. Medication; ibandronate infusions.

  • Background

    Married with two daughters, before retirement Joan worked as a local government employee. Her husband is her main carer. Joan’s advice to others ask questions about your condition and medications....

  • Age at interview 88
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Keith - Interview 38

    His diagnosis came about in 2007 after medical investigation for a lump on his breast. The lump proved to be benign but the blood tests indicated that he had low testosterone levels and a DXA scan revealed mild osteoporosis. He was put on HRT treatment (testogel).

  • Background

    Keith works full-time as a statistician and he is also a concert pianist; single. He was aware of breast cancer in men but thought that osteoporosis affected women only.

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • David - Interview 37

    David was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis (re-diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis) at the age of two and on 2006, following a hip fracture, he was diagnosed with osteoporosis. He thinks that osteoporosis is the result of his arthritis and the long-term use of steroids. On alendronic acid once weekly and calcium two tablets a day.

  • Background

    David lives at home with his parents and siblings. He recently finished university and now works full-time as a Customer Relations Administrator. He loves is independence that he says are...

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • James - Interview 36

    James is on alendronic acid once weekly and calcium tablets two a day. He also takes Omeprazole and Domperidone for his acid reflux. For a dysfunctional bladder he takes amitriptyline at bedtime. He had vertebroplasty surgery done three times to repair collapsed vertebraes but the last time it was unsuccessful and is waiting to have it done again.

  • Background

    This person is a retired teacher, lives at home with his wife and both are in their eighties. James recommends vertebroplasty to others because he says that he enjoyed, albeit...

  • Age at interview 82
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Ann - Interview 35

    Diagnosed in 2001. Ann has had side effects from several of the osteoporosis treatments; problems with swallowing, heartburn and pain. She is currently on Bonviva (ibandronate) once monthly orally, but she is changing to the intravenous injection form administered every three months. She was also diagnosed with coeliac disease.

  • Background

    Retired nurse, married with two adult children. She is an active member of both the osteoporosis and coeliac disease support groups and says that she is having a ‘very busy...

  • Age at interview 69
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Alice - Interview 34

    Diagnosed with slight osteoporosis in 2008 following the development of a pain between her shoulder blades; had her menopause at the age of forty but there is no maternal history of the condition. Her GP put her on medication following the x-ray results while she waited for a bone density scan. She is on alendronic acid, once weekly and Adcal D3 two tablets a day.

  • Background

    Retired, married, four adult daughters. She has always been an active person so she was really surprised when diagnosed with osteoporosis. The condition doesn’t affect her and she is able...

  • Age at interview 75
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Rose - Interview 33

    Diagnosed in1989 and on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for fourteen years. Currently on alendronic acid, 70 milligrams once weekly and Calcichew D3 Forte twice daily. Her bone density mass has improved particularly on her hips. She was also diagnosed with mastocytosis.

  • Background

    Married with two adult daughters; retired secretary. Her involvement with a support group provided her with knowledge about osteoporosis and has helped her come to terms with the condition.

  • Age at interview 76
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Pat - Interview 32

    Diagnosed in 1994 after complaining of severe back pain. She is currently on Actonel (risedronate) but was first put on Didronel (etidronate) and then Fosamax once a week. Recent DXA scans revealed that her bone density has greatly improved.

  • Background

    Pat is married, a retired nurse and has three adult sons. Pat has been very active on her local support group and has campaigned to change attitudes about osteoporosis and...

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Betty - Interview 31

    Betty was diagnosed in 2004 and was initially put on Fosamax but then changed to Pamidronate infusions every three months. She stopped her treatment for two years because she no longer was able to use public transport. Her new hospital is nearer and her daughter drives her there.

  • Background

    Widow, retired secretary, lives on her own flat in sheltered accommodation. Betty uses herbal medicine extensively and has accumulated a great deal and knowledge about it.

  • Age at interview 81
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Victoria Iris - Interview 30

    Victoria Iris was diagnosed in 1989 and at that time the only treatment available was HRT. Over the years her treatment has changed; Didronel, daily Fosamax and weekly Fosamax. Currently she is on the 18 months Forsteo (teriparatide) treatment. Victoria Iris developed Kyphosis but she didn't become aware of it until it was evident.

  • Background

    Retired deputy head of a large secondary school; widow, regularly attends exercise classes and a tea dance session every week. Victoria Iris has been an active volunteer of the National...

  • Age at interview 83
  • Sex/Gender Female