
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Lisa - Interview 17

Callum was 2lb 12oz at birth and at the age of four years was small compared to his peers. Since being on growth hormones Callum has now caught up and is nearly the same size as his peers. He continues to be in the trial and enjoys taking part.

  • Background

    Lisa, aged 37 years, is White British, recently married and has two children aged eight and five years. Now a homemaker, Lisa previously worked as a Support Worker. Her eldest...

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Alison - Interview 14

    Alison talks about her experiences of three different clinical trials since the birth of her son. Two whilst in the neonatal unit of which one she was not eligible. The third trial involved her son receiving Growth Hormone Treatment.

  • Background

    Alison, aged 39 years is White British, works part time as a music teacher and lives with her husband and three children. Her son was diagnosed with Intrauterine Growth Restriction...

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Julie - Interview 13

    Julie volunteered to take part in a clinical trial, the EAT study, looking at babies and young children developing food intolerances. Julie did not qualify and was turned down. Although disappointed, Julie is very supportive of clinical trials in general.

  • Background

    Julie aged 45 years lives with her husband and son aged three months. Julie works in higher education and is currently on maternity leave. Julie volunteered to take part in...

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Linda - Interview 12

    Linda received an invitation for her youngest child to take part in a clinical trial to test a drug for children with a heart condition. At this time her child was aged two months. Linda agreed to take part.

  • Background

    Linda, aged 43, is White South African, works part-time as a Staff Nurse, is separated and mother of three children; all born in the UK; ages 7, 9 and 15...

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Karen - Interview 11

    Karen enrolled her daughter in a clinical trial for a new Meningitis Vaccine. Karen supports such trials and understands their importance as people take it for granted that vaccines are available for children but that they are reliant on people trialling them.

  • Background

    Karen is aged 29 years, married, mother of her two children and works as a full time Nurse. She describes herself as White British. Karen was invited to enroll her...

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Emma - Interview 10

    Emma enrolled her son in a clinical trial for the Ketogenic Diet when he was aged seven years. She says it is the best thing to have happened to him. Matthew is now off his Ketogenic Diet and Emma says it has changed all their lives for the better.

  • Background

    Emma is aged 42 years, divorced, White British and mother of two children. Her son has experienced seizures since the age of nine months and was diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome...

  • Age at interview 42
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Catherine - Interview 08

    Whilst Mikey was on a Neonatal Unit Catherine took part in a trial looking at gut and bowel deformities in healthy and poorly babies. Soon after discharge from the Unit Catherine was invited to enroll Mikey onto a vaccine trial, this time she declined.

  • Background

    Catherine is married and mother of their first child Mikey. Until taking maternity leave Catherine worked full time as a Social Worker and describes herself as White British. Catherine was...

  • Age at interview 27
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • John - Interview 07

    John's daughter Chloe was recently admitted to hospital due to a spell of poor health. During this time he was invited to enroll Chloe onto a clinical trial' Control of Hyperglycemia in Paediatrics to which he and his wife agreed.

  • Background

    John is married with four children. John left full time employment to become a full time carer to his daughter Chloe who has cerebral palsy and global developmental delay and...

  • Age at interview 35
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Tina - Interview 05

    Tina saw an advert in a local newspaper looking for volunteer children aged between 2 and 12 years to take part in the swine flu vaccine trial. She spoke to her two youngest children who were keen to find out more, which they did, and then they took part in the trial.

  • Background

    Tina is married and mother of three children aged 9, 11 and 18 years. Tina is a self-employed Management Consultant and describes herself as White British.

  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Steve - Interview 03

    Steve aged 49 years is married, White British and a full time carer for his wife and son who both have Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Steve has taken part in a Cohort study since the birth of his son who has recently took part in the second stage of the study.

  • Background

    Steve took part in Cohort Asthma Study after the birth of his son. Study continues and his son has now taken part in the second stage of the study to...

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Male