
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Loz - Interview 01

Loz is 17 and lives at home with his family. He's experienced depression and anxiety since he had an accident and ended up in a wheelchair at the age of 14. Over the years, having a great counsellor and close support from his family has helped him the most. (White British)

  • Background

    See ‘Brief outline’

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Group - Interview 34

    They have all found that drinking at university is very different from drinking at school. They drank a lot more but think that now they are a bit older, and after the first year at university, they will be more responsible with drinking.

  • Background

    Hugh is a first year university student who found that drinking at university was very different from drinking as a teenager. Ben is a first year university student who changed...

  • Age at interview 20
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Stephanie - Interview 33

    In her teens, Stephanie would drink a lot and smoke cannabis with friends. She had concerns about short-term memory loss and cannabis smoking so asked her GP for medical advice. She stopped smoking cannabis four years ago and feels that her memory, energy levels and motivation have all improved.

  • Background

    Stephanie has a partner and goes to college part time. Shewants to get a qualification in counselling. She thinks that many people drink for the ‘wrong’ reasons like getting over...

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jen - Interview 32

    Jen used to drink as a teenager but has always been cautious about drugs. She grew up in a small village where there was a drug problem. A few of Jen's friends would take pills at raves. After seeing videos at school about the effects of pills, she has always been terrified of them. Jen drank a lot at University but doesn't drink so much now that she has a full-time job.

  • Background

    Jen is married, a university graduate, and works full-time as a press officer. Jen grew up in a small village and her school friends would go out to drink vodka...

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kim - Interview 31

    Kim used to drink in the park during her early teens and started going clubbing around the age of 15. She would smoke a small amount of cannabis if offered when she was at school, but she wouldn't have bought it. She didn't like the effects of it. She doesn't do drugs because she is concerned about being addicted, and it doesn't interest her at all. She doesn't going out drinking with friends as much as she used to because she is trying to save money.

  • Background

    Kim is a full-time customer service officer, and is engaged to be married. She drinks less alcohol now and says that she enjoys it more because she can remember what...

  • Age at interview 21
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Raphael - Interview 30

    When Raphael was younger he and his friends would go out to get drunk three or four times a week. Now he spends more time with his fiancée than in the pub. Raphael smokes cannabis but says that he will stop using it when he and his fiancée decide to start a family.

  • Background

    Raphael is a full-time public sector worker, and is getting married soon. Ethnic background: White.

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Joe - Interview 29

    Joe used to drink a lot at parties when he was a teenager. When he moved out of home he started to smoke cannabis regularly. For a time, Joe was going to drum & bass nights regularly where he would often use ecstasy. He has stopped using drugs and drinks alcohol less often because he has become more interested in health and fitness. He goes out to pubs and clubs far less often now.

  • Background

    Joe works in administration. He’s single and shares a flat with friends. He is interested in health and fitness, jogs regularly and recently ran a marathon for charity.

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Sam - Interview 28

    Sam first experienced drugs at fifteen, when he smoked a cannabis resin with friends. Sam has experimented with many illegal substances including skunk, ecstasy and crack cocaine. In his early twenties, Sam decided to give up drugs completely, though it took around three years to do so. He started by giving up smoking weed.

  • Background

    Sam lives with his partner and their child. He is a part- time youth worker and has just started university. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 28
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Stefanie - Interview 27

    As a teenager, Stefanie worked in a pub where she drank a lot. In her teens, Stefanie tried cannabis once and it doesn't seem to have had any effect on her. She has never been interested in experimenting with illegal drugs. Stefanie doesn't smoke cigarettes either but alcohol is an important part of her life.

  • Background

    Stefanie lives with her partner and works full time in the film and television industry. She felt a lot of pressure from others in school to take drugs, but has...

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kasim & Karis - Interview 25 & 26

    When Kasim was in school there was a lot of pressure to be 'cool' and smoking cigarettes was part of this. He thinks that if he hadn't hung around with the wrong crowd, he probably would have gone to university, but he doesn't blame his friends for his actions. Karis has been smoking weed since she was fourteen, and thinks that it affected her education and future. For her, the lack of motivation is probably one of the biggest symptoms of smoking weed. Karis wants to stop smoking weed, and has cut down.

  • Background

    Kasim lives alone on a council estate. He has enrolled in a 13 week hairdressing course, and has a college placement. Ethnic background: Mixed race. Karis lives alone on a...

  • Age at interview 20
  • Sex/Gender Male