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Henry & Jane ' Interview 15

Henry cared for his partner Jane after she was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2005. She had surgery and chemotherapy. Brain metastases were treated with radiotherapy. He supported her throughout her illness and she died at home with her family around her.

  • Background

    Henry is a political advisor and is single with 3 adult children. Ethnic Background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Julie ' Interview 14

    Julie's partner was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in 2007. Julie and her partner tried to carry on as normal for as long as possible, and Julie cared for her partner in the last few months of his life when his health deteriorated rapidly.

  • Background

    Julie is a part-time teacher. Ethnic background: Ashkenazi Jewish/North-West African

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Katie ' Interview 13

    Katie talks about her changing experiences caring for her sister in law, who stayed with her family when she needed help coping with her cervical cancer. Katie also looked after her young niece when her sister-law was too unwell to care for her.

  • Background

    Katie is married with five children aged 20, 13, 11, 8 and 5 years old. Katie was a voluntary classroom assistant, but is now a full-time homemaker. Ethnic background: White...

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • John ' Interview 12

    John talks about caring for his younger son Tim, who was diagnosed with acute leukaemia whilst he was at university age 20. Tim returned to the family home where the family could offer him care and support. Tim died when the leukaemia returned a second time.

  • Background

    John is an HR consultant. He is married and has two adult children Ethnic background: White British

  • Age at interview 57
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Mary & John ' Interview 11

    Mary describes how her husband died shortly after being admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of cancer. Mary talks about learning to run the finances of the home and to live each day as it comes.

  • Background

    Mary is a retired teacher and an artist. She is a widow with two adult children. Ethnic background: White British

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • John & Joyce ' Interview 10

    John's wife Joyce was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2001 and died 7 months later. John describes how during this time they spent a lot of time together seeing family and friends.

  • Background

    John is a widower and has four adult children. He is a retired marketing manager. Ethnic background: White British

  • Age at interview 78
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Heather & Bill ' Interview 09

    Heather cared for her husband who had pulmonary fibrosis. Heather talks of her role as a carer and also the need for some activities to help relieve the stress of being a carer.

  • Background

    Heather is a retired GP practice manager. She is a widow and has two adult children. Ethnic background: White British

  • Age at interview 66
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • David ' Interview 08

    Ten years ago David's father was diagnosed with lung cancer and he died three years later. David now works voluntarily for several national cancer organisations and charities representing carer and patient perspectives.

  • Background

    David is married with one grown up child. He is a retired research consultant and volunteers for several national cancer organisations and charities. Ethnic background: White British

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Susan ' Interview 07

    Susan's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1998 when she was 86 years old. Susan cared for her mother at home after she was involved in a car accident and it was apparent that she was becoming unable to cope alone.

  • Background

    Susan is a retired air stewardess. Susan is married with three adult children. Ethnic background: White British

  • Age at interview 72
  • Sex/Gender Female