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Interview 50 - Hannah

For the last three years Hannah has used the combined pill and hasn't had any problems with it. Now she is considering long term contraception; the three years implant. She has discussed this with her GP and a Family Planning nurse who is a friend of the family.

  • Background

    Full time university student, single. Her top priority at the moment is to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Ethnic background’ Mixed Race.

  • Age at interview 18
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 49 - Sarah

    Sarah's uses an oral contraceptive called Cilest and says that it suits her fine. She gets her contraceptive from a walk in Family Planning clinic because it is easier and quicker than having to make a GP appointment. Once she used a pharmacy for family planning and got a very well informed and sensitive service.

  • Background

    Single; full time student at her final year at university. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 20
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 47 - Katie & Alice

    Katie first started taking the oral contraceptive Microgynon to help with her heavy periods. Now she takes Yasmin but also uses condoms. Katie and her housemates decided to go together to their local Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic to have a Chlamydia test. Alice took the oral contraceptive Microgynon for a few years but decided to change it after she started experiencing headaches. At present she is on Yasmin but feels that she hasn't received adequate advice and informat

  • Background

    Katie University student; single. At the time of the interview she was living in an all female student house. Ethnic background: White British. Alice Final year at university; single. Shares...

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Ann - Interview 57

    Soon after Emily was diagnosed, Ann was invited to enrol her daughter in a randomised trial on improving the treatment of Grave's disease. Ann discussed it with Emily and they agreed to take part.

  • Background

    Ann aged 43, is White British, lives with her son and daughter, and works part-time. Her daughter, Emily is aged 12, and was diagnosed with Grave’s disease when she was...

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Nutan - Interview 45

    Nutan was invited to enrol her daughter in a trial on the management of diabetes among children and young people. The trial was fairly straightforward and involved the completion of questionnaires over a period of three months.

  • Background

    Nutan is Asian Indian, aged 37 years, married and works part time in the retail trade. Her daughter aged five years was diagnosed with diabetes at age 3 years.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sandra - Interview 41

    One year after her daughter's diagnosis, Sandra was invited to enrol her daughter in a ten year trial to follow her daughter's progress. Sandra believes her daughter is still in the trial, although she was unsure.

  • Background

    Sandra aged 46 years is a full time housewife. She has five children. One of her daughters was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis, a rare condition that affects children under the...

  • Age at interview 46
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Gary - Interview 39

    Gary and his son agreed to take part in a randomised trial on the management of diabetes in young people. Gary and his son were randomised to continue to receive the current information and care.

  • Background

    Gary, aged 47, is married with two children. He describes himself as White British and works part-time. His son was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of four years, he...

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Paul - Interview 38

    Paul's son was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago when he was aged 6 years. Soon after his son's diagnosis Paul was invited to enrol his son in a protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess hospital versus home management in childhood diabetes.

  • Background

    Paul is aged 29 years, is White British, a full time homemaker and lives with his son aged 8 years.

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Charlotte - Interview 43

    Charlotte's uncle, who lived in Holland, was dying of cancer at the age of 76. He decided that he did not want any more treatment and that he wanted an assisted death at home. Charlotte and his children were with him when he died. His death was dignified and peaceful.

  • Background

    Charlotte is a consultant systemic psychotherapist, and a trainer and researcher. She is divorced, has one adult child, and is White European.

  • Age at interview 62
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Christine - Interview 64

    On anti-TNF therapy; Cimzia and on medication for breathlessness. She attributes her breathing difficulties to another RA drug, methotrexate. Christinesays that living with RA is not her main health issue, but breathing problems do affect her physically and sometimes emotionally.

  • Background

    Married, with two grown up daughters and retired. Christine stressed that the care she has received from her rheumatology hospital is ‘second to none’ in terms of efficiency, medical care...

  • Age at interview 73
  • Sex/Gender Female