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Bill and Catherine

Bill was involved in a road traffic collision 12 years ago. As a result of his injuries, his leg was amputated above the knee. Bill felt it was important to include Catherine in re-telling the story of his injury because she played a crucial part in his recovery.

  • Background

    Bill, a retired police sergeant, and his wife Catherine, a retired staff nurse, are married and have two children, aged 19 and 22. Ethnic background’ White British & White British/Irish.

  • Age at interview 57
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Jamie

    Jamie sustained a traumatic brain injury and a spinal injury when he was involved in a road traffic collision.

  • Background

    Jamie used to run his own delivery business, but does not work now. He is single. He has carers who live with him and help him with his daily life....

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Ambrose

    Ambrose broke his ankle for the third time in 2000. He had surgery to reconstruct his foot and ankle. In 2012 he chose to have his leg amputated below the knee after an infection spread throughout the bone in his leg and caused him a great deal of pain.

  • Background

    Ambrose is a research nurse, but was not working at the time of interview. He is single, has four children, aged 26, 23, 20 and 18, and lives alone. He...

  • Age at interview 44
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Julie and Corrie

    Wesley (Interview 03), Julie's son and Corrie's brother, sustained a traumatic brain injury when he fell off a moped on holiday in Turkey.

  • Background

    Mother’ Julie is a Senior Day Centre Officer. She is divorced and has two grown-up children, Corrie, 33, and Wesley, 30. Ethnic background’ White British. Daughter’ Corrie is an accountant....

  • Sex/Gender Female