
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Stephanie - Interview 59

Wegener's granulomatosis is rare among young people and can affect many organs in the body, it can also be life threatening. Stephanie was invited to take part in a trial on improving the treatment of Wegener's granulomatosis and after discussing it with her mum, she agreed to take part.

  • Background

    Stephanie aged 18, of mixed ethnic origin; Greek-English, is a student, and lives with her parents and sibling at home. At the age of 15 Stephanie was diagnosed with Wegener’s...

  • Age at interview 18
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Ethan - Interview 60

    Although the doctors and nurses talked to Ethan about the trial, he doesn't remember too much about it. He says it was all a bit too much to take in at the time and he just wanted to get better.

  • Background

    Ethan is aged 12, lives with his parents and his sister at home. He attends a local school and enjoys going to ju jitsu. Ethan was diagnosed with a brain...

  • Age at interview 12
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Graham - Interview 61

    The trial was on the treatment of children and young people with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Deciding to take part was confusing because of the different treatment options, but having plenty of information and talking to his parents helped and he agreed to take part.

  • Background

    Graham is aged 16, White British and lives at home with his parents, twin brother and other siblings. He enjoys fishing and attends a local high school. Graham was diagnosed...

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Eden - Interview 62

    Eden was in hospital at the time of being invited to take part in the trial and because she was so poorly can't remember too much about it. Together with her mother she made the decision to take part, but it wasn't easy.

  • Background

    Eden is aged 17, is White British and lives at home with her mother. Eden was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 16 and very soon after was...

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Georgia - Interview 63

    Georgia was invited to take part in a research study when she was about five or six years of age, she can't quite remember when. Because her mum and dad said it would be okay and they discussed it with her, she agreed to take part.

  • Background

    Georgia is aged 10, is White British, attends a local school and lives with her mum and siblings. She loves dancing, swimming and athletics and is in the school athletics...

  • Age at interview 10
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Lauren - Interview 64

    Lauren was invited to take part in a randomised trial to understand better the side effects of background insulin used in the treatment of young teenage girls with Type 1 diabetes and when a carbohydrate diet is followed. Lauren was happy to take part.

  • Background

    Lauren is aged 16, White British and lives with her parents and sibling at home. Lauren attends a local high school and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the...

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Helena - Interview 35

    Helena says that communication is key to her role as Senior Research Nurse. Helena explains how her role helps to support parents and children when they participate in a clinical trial, from beginning to end and after the trial has finished.

  • Background

    Helena is a Senior Research Nurse for the Medicines for Children Research Network. She has been in research for nine years and involved with the various stages of consenting patients...

  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Robert - Interview 26

    Robert has always taken part in clinical trials where possible. These have ranged from simple one-off collection of breath samples to having a dose of gene therapy, having a bronchoscopy either side of the dosing and the visits to the hospital.

  • Background

    Robert, aged 22, was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis soon after birth. He recently graduated from the University of Oxford in Mathematics and Statistics and would like a career in Medical...

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Jhon - Interview 02

    When Jhon was born his parents took part in a lung and asthma study that has involved annual questionnaires. Jhon recently took part in the second stage of this long term study at his school which was an allergy survey.

  • Background

    Jhon, aged 13 is White British, lives with his parents and attends Secondary School. He enjoys ‘making a difference’, swimming, reading and being with friends. Jhon was diagnosed with Osteogenesis...

  • Age at interview 13
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Sophie - Interview 06

    Sophie was invited to take part in a clinical trial by her doctor. The trial was to assess glycemic control in cystic fibrosis. It was a short trial that involved monitoring her blood sugar levels. Sophie is very supportive of clinical trials in general.

  • Background

    Sophie is 23 years of age, lives with her parents and describes herself as White British. Sophie was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of eight years. Sophie works...

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Female