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Jenny is a senior researcher on a chronic kidney disease cohort study. She describes cohort studies as a type of medical research which follows people for a long-time. Jenny says that they are important as they answer health questions that other studies may not be able to answer.
Jenny is a senior researcher on a chronic kidney disease cohort study.

Ian was diagnosed with motor neurone disease just over two years ago, in 2008. He has taken part in several research studies, including a biobank study which aims to improve the diagnosis and understanding of MND.
Ian is an insurance consultant. He is married with two children aged 21 and 17. Ethnic background: White English

Roland has a rare form of motor neurone disease (MND) called progressive muscular atrophy. He is part of a study using blood samples, scans and other tests to improve the diagnosis and understanding of MND. He has also agreed to donate his brain to a brain bank.
Roland is a retired computer consultant. He is married with two grown-up children. Ethnic background: White British

Gareth has taken part as a healthy volunteer in two studies run by a diabetes research group, including a recent one which involved giving him adrenaline and taking fat biopsies. He declined to take part in one which involved being injected with insulin.
Gareth is an engineering manager. He is married with two teenage children. Ethnic background: White British

Elaine has taken part as a healthy volunteer in several diabetes and metabolism research studies, where she has given blood and tissue samples. Healthy volunteers help researchers understand how influences such as diet and weight interact with our genes.
Elaine works as a healthcare assistant. She is married with two sons aged 17 and 22. Ethnic background: White British

Richard was asked to take part in a biobanking study and decided not to. He has taken part in other medical research in the past.
Richard is an NHS manager. He is married with two children aged 14 and 12. Ethnic background: White British