Lawrence - Diabetes Type 2
Lawrence works in the catering trade and is married with three young children. Ethnic background/nationality: Born in Zimbabwe.
Diagnosed a year ago, Lawrence takes gliclazide and losartan.
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Lawrence works in the catering trade and is married with three young children. Ethnic background/nationality: Born in Zimbabwe.
Diagnosed a year ago, Lawrence takes gliclazide and losartan.
Paul is an aircraft engineer and is married with 4 grown-up children aged 34, 32, 27 and 25 years. Ethnic background/nationality: British.
Paul was diagnosed 14 years ago when he was in hospital for a minor op. He takes metformin and uses other medication to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Tina is a development funding assistant who lives with her long-term partner and has 4 adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
Tina was diagnosed 12 years ago. Initially she tried to control diabetes with diet alone, then transferred to metformin. In 2004 she changed to insulin and now takes Levimir at...
Malcolm is a sales manager and is married with two adult children aged 26 and 19. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
Malcolm’s diabetes was diagnosed 15 years ago after a routine eyesight test. Initially his diabetes was controlled by diet but now he takes metformin, gliclazide and pioglitazone.
James lives with his mother and two brothers. He attends an ordinary school which also has a unit for partially sighted and blind students. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
James has a renal condition called Senior Loken Syndrome and it means that his kidneys didn’t develop as he grew older. James was diagnosed with his condition when he was...
Jamie lives with his parents and his two sisters. He is not allowed to play any contact sport but he does swimming, cycling and he plays golf once a week. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.
Jamie has a heart condition called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. He was diagnosed when he was six days old and underwent pioneering and life saving surgery. He gets breathless very...
Lara is a full time student nurse and lives in shared accommodation with three other young people. She has just recently moved out of the family home. Ethnic background/nationality: White.
Lara was diagnosed with myoclonic juvenile epilepsy when she was 17 years old. She became depressed and lost her confidence after diagnosis but she wasn’t offered counselling. Her nurse has...
1st child was breech, had planned caesarean. Struggled to breastfeed and felt low for long after. Wanted planned CS with 2nd child, but felt pushed into VBAC by clinicians. Went into labour early and had emergency CS at 38 weeks, found experience worse than previous.
No details given.
Customer service officer with one son aged three and a half. Living with partner, who works as a forklift driver. Ethnic background' White British (English).
Admitted to hospital with pre-eclampsia, 1st child was born 6 weeks premature and had to spend 10 days in SCBU. Found it very difficult to decide how to give birth...
Marketing manager with a son aged two years two months. Husband is an accountant. Ethnic background' White British.
Rushed to have CS after baby passed meconium and stopped moving. Had quick recovery. Keen to experience vaginal birth with 2nd child, laboured for 66 hours. Some complications afterwards but...