Olivia X
Olivia is divorced and has three children. She works in scientific research. Ethnic background: White British
Olivia is divorced and has three children. She works in scientific research. Ethnic background: White British
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Olivia is divorced and has three children. She works in scientific research. Ethnic background: White British
Olivia is divorced and has three children. She works in scientific research. Ethnic background: White British
Thomas first experienced depression when he was taking his A levels and has been prescribed several different antidepressants over the last few years. He had a major period of depression during the time he was studying for a PhD but did not feel that any of the medication he tried was helpful.
Thomas is currently single and works as a researcher at a university. Ethnic background: British Bangladeshi.
Since diagnosis and until she was sixteen years old she was on a two daily injections of insulin. Until her early teens she had well controlled diabetes, but then it began to slip. She found her insulin regimen oppressive and limiting so when it was changed to short-acting and long acting analogue insulin she had a sense of freedom that she has never experienced before in relation to food and mealtimes. The problem was that around the same time she started to be concerned about her weight and de
Shares a house with a friend. Her advice to other young people who are not doing their insulin injections is to find the courage and to seek help as soon...
She has lived with diabetes most of her life and has been on different insulin types such as NovoRapid and Insulatard. When she was on two insulin injections a day she had a fixed mealtime routine and had to have snacks in between meals. She stopped having her snacks because she thought she was eating too much. She started misusing insulin and developed and eating disorder.
University student; has a boyfriend; living in shared student accommodation with three other friends.
Anna has had difficulties with food since she was about 9. She has gone through stages of restricting, binging and purging and then overeating. It has been an isolating experience and made her feel vulnerable around food.
Anna is 25. She is a sculptor and a student. She has just moved back to live with her parents to save money whilst studying. White British.
Nico has experienced depression and problems with eating and body image for a couple of years. He is doing a lot of voluntary work to improve the care and lives of other young people.
Nico is 17 and at college. He is in a relationship and lives at home with his parents. White British.
During his studies in the United States, Roberto became obsessed with exercise and eating. He had a few counselling sessions but mainly through his own commitment he is now overcoming the issues and is determined to be back to the person he used to be.
Roberto is an exchange student from South America. He is 20 and lives in halls of residence.
Suzanne started being sick involuntarily after eating when she was 14 and was later diagnosed with EDNOS (eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). She has seen a GP and school counsellor but would prefer to see someone specialised in eating disorders.
Suzanne is 16 and a student.
Nikki has experienced bulimia, self-harm and depression since secondary school. Inpatient care, therapy and volunteering to use her experiences to help others have all helped her towards recovery and to letting herself enjoy life a bit more.
Nikki is 20 and a third year university student. She is single and lives on her own. British Asian.
David has experienced bulimia for the past eight years. He has learnt to manage his eating and bingeing and purging is no longer a habit. He feels seeking help for men with eating disorders should be made easier; with more specific information available for them.
David is 22 and works as personnel coordinator. He is single and lives with his parents.