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Acne (young people)
Alopecia (young people)
Alport syndrome
Antenatal screening
Arthritis (Rheumatoid)
Arthritis (young people)
Atrial fibrillation
Bereavement due to suicide
Bereavement due to traumatic death
Bone surgery
Bowel (colorectal) cancer
Bowel screening
Breast cancer in men
Breast cancer in women
Breast screening
Breastfeeding while living with HIV
Burn injuries
Caesarean: Making decisions about birth after caesarean (C-section)
Cancer (young people)
Cancer: Bowel
Cancer: Breast cancer in men
Cancer: Breast cancer in women
Cancer: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
Cancer: Leukaemia
Cancer: Living with and beyond cancer
Cancer: Lung
Cancer: Lymphoma
Cancer: Ovarian
Cancer: Pancreatic
Cancer: Penile
Cancer: Prostate
Cancer: Prostate cancer screening (PSA test)
Cancer: Testicular
Caring for someone with a terminal illness
Cervical abnormalities: CIN3 and CGIN
Cervical cancer
Cervical screening
Chronic pain
Cleft lip and palate
Clinical trials
Clinical trials and medical research (young people)
Clinical trials: Parents' experiences
Cohort studies
Colorectal cancer
Coma: Family experiences of vegetative and minimally conscious states
Conditions that threaten women's lives in pregnancy and childbirth
COVID-19 in the community
COVID-19: Experiences of intensive care
COVID-19: Family experiences of Long Covid
COVID-19: Intensive care experiences
COVID-19: Long Covid in adults
Deceased Organ Donation
Depression and low mood (young people)
Depression: Antidepressants
Depression: Electroconvulsive treatment (ECT)
Diabetes: Type 1 (young people)
Diabetes: Type 2
Drugs and alcohol (young people)
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
Dying: Living with dying
Eating disorders (young people)
Eczema (young people)
Electroconvulsive treatment (ECT)
Ending a pregnancy due to fetal abnormality
Epilepsy (young people)
Experiences of intensive care with COVID-19
Experiences of parents and carers of young trans and gender-diverse people
Experiences of participating in the 100
Experiences of participating in the 100,000 Genomes Project
Experiences of trans and gender-diverse young people
Family experiences of Long Covid
Family experiences of vegetative and minimally conscious states
Feeding a baby while living with HIV
Fetal abnormality: Ending a pregnancy
Fitness to practise
Flu or flu-like illness in chronically ill or disabled children
Gender: Experiences of parents and carers of young trans and gender-diverse people
Gender: Experiences of trans and gender-diverse young people
Giving up smoking
GP: Seeing the GP: Advice and tips for young people
Hair loss
Health and weight (young people)
Health and weight Loss (with multiple health conditions)
Health: Jewish health
Health: Learning disability and health
Health: Living with multiple health problems
Health: Long-term health conditions (young people)
Heart attack
Heart failure
Heart health: Atrial fibrillation
Heart health: Parents of children with congenital heart disease
Heart health: Screening for unrecognised heart valve disease
High blood pressure - coming soon
HIV: Breastfeeding while living with HIV
HIV: Living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Inherited motor neurone disease (MND)
Intensive care: COVID-19 experiences
Intensive care: Experiences of family and friends
Intensive care: Patients' experiences
Jewish health
Kidney health
Leaky ears in children
Learning disability and health
Life-changing injuries
Living with a urinary catheter
Living with and beyond cancer
Living with dying
Living with multiple health problems
Long Covid in adults
Long Covid: Family experiences
Long-term health conditions (young people)
Losing a baby at 20–24 weeks of pregnancy
Lung cancer
Making decisions about birth after caesarean (C-section)
Memory problems
Mental health: ethnic minority carers experiences
Mental health: Mental health carers from minority ethnic backgrounds
Mental health: People from minority ethnic backgrounds
Midwives and allied health professionals in research
Midwives and allied health professionals in research
MND: Inherited motor neurone disease
MND: Tracheostomy ventilation
Motor neurone disease (MND)
Nurses, midwives and allied health professionals in research
Organ donation
Ovarian cancer
Pain: Chronic
Pancreatic cancer
Parents and carers of young trans and gender-diverse people
Parents of children with congenital heart disease
Parents' experiences of neonatal surgery
Parkinson's disease
Patient and public involvement in research
Penile cancer
Pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure in pregnancy
Pregnancy and childbirth: conditions that can threaten women's lives
Pregnancy: Ending a pregnancy due to fetal abnormality
Pregnancy: Infertility
Pregnancy: Losing a baby at 20–24 weeks of pregnancy
Pregnancy: Making decisions about birth after caesarean (C-section)
Prostate cancer
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer
Psoriasis (young people)
Psychosis (young people)
Research: Cohort studies
Research: Nurses, midwives and allied health professionals in research
Research: Patient and public involvement in research
Researchers' experiences of patient and public involvement (PPI)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Screening for sickle cell and beta thalassaemia
Screening for unrecognised heart valve disease
Screening: Bowel (colorectal) cancer
Screening: Breast cancer
Screening: Cervical cancer
Screening: Prostate cancer screening (PSA test)
Seeing the GP: Advice and tips for young people
Self-harm: Parents' experiences
Service improvement
Sexual health (young people)
Shared decision-making
Sleep problems in later life
Smoking: Giving up
Suicide bereavement
Systemic Vasculitis
Terminal illness: caring
Terminal illness: Living with dying
Termination: Ending a pregnancy due to fetal abnormality
Testicular cancer
Tracheostomy ventilation and Motor Neurone Disease
Trans and gender-diverse young people
Trans and gender-diverse young people: Parents and carers' experiences
Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and minor stroke
Type 1 diabetes (young people)
Type 2 diabetes
Urinary catheters
Urogynaecological conditions: prolapse, bladder and pelvic floor problems
Vaccinations in Pregnancy
VBAC: Making decisions about birth after caesarean (C-section)
Vegetative and minimally conscious states: Family experiences
Weight and health (young people)
Weight change and associated health problems
Young people: Acne
Young people: Alopecia
Young people: Arthritis
Young people: Cancer
Young people: Clinical trials and medical research
Young people: Depression and low mood
Young people: Drugs and alcohol
Young people: Eating disorders
Young people: Eczema
Young people: Epilepsy
Young people: Experiences as a trans or gender-diverse young person
Young people: Health and weight
Young people: Long-term health conditions
Young people: psychosis
Young people: Seeing the GP: Advice and tips for young people
Young people: Sexual health
Young people: Type 1 diabetes
Age at interview
Age at diagnosis
Acne: Health professional
Adults with cleft
Allied Health Professionals: 0–4 years in research
Allied Health Professionals: 11+ years in research
Allied Health Professionals: 5–10 years in research
Alopecia (young people) profiles: Healthcare professionals
Alport syndrome profiles: Family members
Alport syndrome profiles: Healthcare professionals
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Antenatal beta thalassaemia and other variants
Antenatal screening profiles: Baby’s condition detected after birth
Antenatal screening profiles: Continuing with an affected pregnancy
Antenatal screening profiles: Ending an affected pregnancy
Antenatal screening profiles: Normal results or declining screening
Antenatal sickle cell
Arthritis (young people) profiles: Healthcare professionals
Arthritis (young people) profiles: Parents
Asthma profiles: Healthcare professionals
Atrial fibrillation profiles: Healthcare professionals
Autism siblings: living apart
Autism siblings: living together
Bereavement due to suicide profiles: Lost a child
Bereavement due to suicide profiles: Lost a friend or relative
Bereavement due to suicide profiles: Lost a parent
Bereavement due to suicide profiles: Lost a partner, husband or wife
Bereavement due to suicide profiles: Lost a sibling
Bereavement due to traumatic death profiles: Lost a child
Bereavement due to traumatic death profiles: Lost a friend or relative
Bereavement due to traumatic death profiles: Lost a parent
Bereavement due to traumatic death profiles: Lost a partner, husband or wife
Bereavement due to traumatic death profiles: Lost a sibling
Biobanking profiles: Healthy and pregnancy-related volunteers
Biobanking profiles: People with conditions (MND, hepatitis C, cancer)
Bone surgery: Healthcare professionals
Bone surgery: Partial knee surgery
Bone surgery: Shoulder surgery
Bowel (colorectal) cancer profiles: 3–5 years since diagnosis
Bowel (colorectal) cancer profiles: Less than 3 years since diagnosis
Bowel (colorectal) cancer profiles: Over 5 years since diagnosis
Bowel screening profiles: Colonoscopy with normal result
Bowel screening profiles: Declined FOBt
Bowel screening profiles: Diagnosed with bowel (colorectal) cancer
Bowel screening profiles: Diagnosed with polyps
Bowel screening profiles: FOBt with normal result
Bowel screening profiles: FOBt with unclear and then normal result
Bulbar onset
Burn injuries: Healthcare professionals
Burn injuries: Parents of children with burn injuries
Burn injuries: People who sustained a burn injury as a child
Burn injuries: People who sustained a burn injury as an adult
Carers with young children
Caring for a parent or parents with dementia
Caring for a parent with a terminal illness
Caring for a partner or spouse with cancer
Caring for child, relative or friend with a terminal illness
Caring for someone with a non-cancer condition
Caring for someone with a terminal illness profiles: All
Cervical abnormalities (CIN3/CGIN) profiles: Healthcare professionals
Children on the autism spectrum: age 12-17
Children on the autism spectrum: age 18 plus
Children on the autism spectrum: age 6-11
Children on the autism spectrum: age under 6
Children on the autism spectrum: health professionals
Children with congenital heart disease - age under 1
Children with congenital heart disease - ages 1-3
Children with congenital heart disease - ages 4-5
Children with congenital heart disease - ages 5+
Clinical and medical scientific researchers
Clinical trials parents: declined to take part
Clinical trials parents: growth hormones
Clinical trials parents: healthcare professionals
Clinical trials parents: long-term health conditions
Clinical trials parents: neonatal trials
Clinical trials parents: not eligible
Clinical trials parents: screening trials
Clinical trials parents: vaccine trials
Clinical trials young people: blinded trails
Clinical trials young people: declined
Clinical trials young people: healthcare professionals
Clinical trials young people: long-term conditions
Clinical trials young people: other types of medical research
Clinical trials young people: randomised placebo based trials
Clinical trials young people: randomised trials
Clinical trials young people: vaccine trials
Clinical trials young people: withdrew
Clinical trials: declined
Clinical trials: long-term conditions
Clinical trials: mental health
Clinical trials: non-randomised cancer studies
Clinical trials: randomised cancer studies
Clinical trials: screening, prevention and other medical interventions
Clinical trials: surgery
Covid in the community: Health professional
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) profiles: Healthcare professionals
Early menopause
Eating disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)
Eating disorders: Anorexia
Eating disorders: Bulimia
Eating disorders: ED-DMT1 (Diabulimia)
Eating disorders: no diagnosis
Eczema (young people) profiles: Healthcare professionals
Ending a pregnancy: 1-2 years on
Ending a pregnancy: 3–4 years on
Ending a pregnancy: 5–7 years on
Ending a pregnancy: Over 8 years on
Epilepsy profiles: Carers of people with epilepsy
Feeding a baby with HIV: Partners
Flu in children with a disability or long-term condition: ages 1-3
Flu in children with a disability or long-term condition: ages 11+
Flu in children with a disability or long-term condition: ages 4-6
Flu in children with a disability or long-term condition: ages 7-10
Flu in children with a disability or long-term condition: Health professionals
Giving up smoking: healthcare professionals
Gout: aged over 51 at first attack
Gout: aged under 50 at first attack
Gout: health professionals
Haemorrhage/placental disorders
Health and weight: parents
Healthy volunteers and birth cohort studies
Heart failure: health professionals
Heart valve disease screening profiles: diagnosed with heart disease
Heart valve disease screening profiles: health professional
Heart valve disease screening profiles: normal results
HIV Breastfeeding: Born with HIV
HIV Breastfeeding: Diagnosed aged 25-30
HIV Breastfeeding: Diagnosed aged 31-36
HIV Breastfeeding: Diagnosed aged 37+
HIV Breastfeeding: Diagnosed aged under 25
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Immunisation: Youngest child aged 0-1
Immunisation: Youngest child aged 1-2
Immunisation: Youngest child aged 3-4
Immunisation: Youngest child aged 5+
Infertility: adopted children
Infertility: in treatment
Infertility: pregnant
Infertility: stopped treatment
Infertility: successful using donor eggs or sperm
Infertility: treatment successful
Inherited motor neurone disease (MND) - Family members who have not had pre-symptomatic genetic testing
Inherited motor neurone disease (MND) - Family members with a negative pre-symptomatic genetic test result
Inherited motor neurone disease (MND) - Family members with a positive pre-symptomatic genetic test resul
Inherited motor neurone disease (MND) - Partners and family caregivers
Inherited motor neurone disease (MND) - People with inherited MND
Intensive care with COVID-19: First wave, March–April 2020
Intensive care with COVID-19: Healthcare professionals
Intensive care with COVID-19: Second wave, September 2020–February 2021
Jewish health: cancers or BRCA mutations
Jewish health: Crohn's disease
Jewish health: Cystic fibrosis
Jewish health: Factor XI Deficiency
Jewish health: Familial Dysautonomia
Jewish health: Gaucher disease
Jewish health: Glaucoma
Jewish health: Tay Sachs
Jewish health: Torsion Dystonia
Leukaemia: A doctor speaks
Leukaemia: Acute leukaemias (AML, ALL, BAL)
Leukaemia: Carers
Leukaemia: Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
Leukaemia: Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
Leukaemia: Hairy Cell Leukaemia (HCL)
Leukaemia: Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
Life-changing injuries: 0-2 years since injury
Life-changing injuries: 10+ years since injury
Life-changing injuries: 3-10 years since injury
Life-threatening conditions in pregnancy and childbirth: Healthcare professionals
Living with and beyond bowel cancer
Living with and beyond breast cancer
Living with and beyond cervical and ovarian cancer
Living with and beyond leukaemia & lymphoma
Living with and beyond lung and pancreatic cancer
Living with and beyond prostate, testicle and penis cancer
Living with dying: Carers
Long covid: Carer of parent with Long Covid
Long Covid: Children and teenagers with long covid
Long covid: First signs of Covid-19 infection December 2020-February 2021
Long covid: First signs of Covid-19 infection December 2021 – February 2022
Long covid: First signs of Covid-19 infection June 2020-November 2020
Long covid: First signs of Covid-19 infection June 2021 – August 2021
Long covid: First signs of Covid-19 infection March 2020-May 2020
Long covid: First signs of Covid-19 infection March 2021-May 2021
Long covid: First signs of Covid-19 infection September 2021 – November 2021
Long covid: Parents of children and teenagers with Long Covid
Long Covid: Parents with long covid
Long covid: Young person with Long Covid who are living with family
Men caring for a partner or spouse with dementia
Menopause: health professionals
Mental health ethnic minority experiences: caring for a partner or spouse
Mental health ethnic minority experiences: caring for a sibling
Mental health ethnic minority experiences: caring for more than one relative
Mental health ethnic minority experiences: caring for parents
Mental health ethnic minority experiences: caring for son or daughter
MND carers
MS: Children
MS: Friends
MS: Healthcare professionals
MS: Parents
MS: Siblings
MS: Spouse/partner
Neonatal surgery profiles: health professionals
Newborn sickle cell and beta thalassemia
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (grade not stated)
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (high grade)
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (low grade)
Nurses and midwives: 0–4 years in research
Nurses and midwives: 11+ years in research
Nurses and midwives: 5-10 years in research
Organ donation: donor families
Organ donation: family members
Organ donation: health professionals
Organ donation: living donors
Organ donation: recipients
Osteoporosis: healthcare professionals
Other conditions that threaten women's lives in childbirth and pregnancy
Ovarian cancer: 0-2 years since diagnosis
Ovarian cancer: 2-5 years since diagnosis
Ovarian cancer: 5-6 years since diagnosis
Ovarian cancer: 7-14 years since diagnosis
Pancreatic cancer: family & carers
Pancreatic cancer: had potentially curative surgery
Pancreatic cancer: health professionals
Pancreatic cancer: unsuitable for potentially curative surgery
Parents of a child/children diagnosed with cleft and associated conditions (syndromes)
Parents of a child/children diagnosed with cleft lip
Parents of a child/children diagnosed with cleft lip and palate
Parents of a child/children diagnosed with cleft palate
Parkinson's disease - 0-2 years since diagnosis
Parkinson's disease - 12+ years since diagnosis
Parkinson's disease - 3-4 years since diagnosis
Parkinson's disease - 4-5 years since diagnosis
Parkinson's disease - 5-7 years since diagnosis
Parkinson's disease - 8-12 years since diagnosis
Parkinson's disease - Carers
Parkinson's disease - DBS
Patient and public involvement in research: Involved for 10 years or more.
Patient and public involvement in research: Involved for 5-10 years
Patient and public involvement in research: Involved for fewer than 5 years
PPI coordinator roles
Pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome
PSA test partners
Psoriasis: Health professional
Rarer forms of MND - familial/inherited
Rarer forms of MND - PLS
Rarer forms: PMA
Researchers working on cohort studies
Rheumatoid arthritis profiles: Disease duration 0–5 years
Rheumatoid arthritis profiles: Disease duration 11–15 years
Rheumatoid arthritis profiles: Disease duration 16–20 years
Rheumatoid arthritis profiles: Disease duration 21–25 years
Rheumatoid arthritis profiles: Disease duration 6–10 years
Rheumatoid arthritis profiles: Disease duration over 26 years
Seeing the GP profiles: health professionals
Self-harm profiles: fathers
Self-harm profiles: mothers and daughters
Self-harm profiles: mothers and sons
Self-harm profiles: partners
Sexual health: health professional
Shared decision-making: autism
Shared decision-making: bones and joints
Shared decision-making: Cancer
Shared decision-making: heart disease
Shared decision-making: intensive care
Shared decision-making: long-term health conditions
Shared decision-making: mental health
Shared decision-making: Nerves and brain
Shared decision-making: women's health, pregnancy and children
Social scientists and health services researchers
Stroke: health professionals
Studies related to having a health condition
Thrombosis & thromboembolism (blood clots)
Urinary catheters: carers
Urinary catheters: health professionals
Urogynaecological conditions health professionals
Vegetative and minimally conscious states profiles: Confirmed permanent vegetative diagnosis
Vegetative and minimally conscious states profiles: Fully conscious
Vegetative and minimally conscious states profiles: Healthcare professionals
Vegetative and minimally conscious states profiles: Minimally conscious or unconfirmed vegetative diagnosis
Women caring for a partner or spouse with dementia
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