Stephanie – Interview 33

In her teens, Stephanie would drink a lot and smoke cannabis with friends. She had concerns about short-term memory loss and cannabis smoking so asked her GP for medical advice. She stopped smoking cannabis four years ago and feels that her memory, energy levels and motivation have all improved.

Stephanie first tried alcohol at about fourteen or fifteen, drinking a couple of alcopops with her best friend. Within a couple of months of starting drinking, her parents were aware of it and were quite sensible about it. Her father would buy cans of beer to be drunk at home, and would make sure that when she and her friends went out, they were sober. She had been given a little wine with meals when she was twelve. Her parents were not heavy drinkers, and she saw that you didn’t have to get drunk to enjoy alcohol. She says that she had a very nice home life, and was lucky to have very nice parents. A lot of her friends would hide their drinking from their parents. Their parents wouldn’t know until they were a bit older.

When she was sixteen or seventeen, she would go to pubsand clubsif she could get in. She would drink more than she drinks now. She says that she could handle it better then, and wasn’t worried about gettinga hangover, so would drink more.

Now, she worries about getting a hangover the next day. She is working and studying part time at college, and prefers to drink only on a big night out with friends. She says that she wouldn’t be devastated if she didn’t have a drink, but she would prefer to have one. She doesn’t need to drink to have a good time. She thinks that many people drink for the ‘wrong’ reasons such as getting over abreaking up, or trying to forget a problem. She thinks that young people drink too much, and often end up doing things they will later regret.

She used to smoke cannabis but stopped smoking weed and cigarettes four years ago because she didn’t enjoy it anymore. She also worried about the effect it had on her health and memory so she went to herGP who advised her about stopping smoking weed. She says that she could remember things a lot better after she stopped smoking. She also had concerns about her motivation, and felt a lot calmer after stopping. She doesn’t want to tell her parents about smoking cannabis because she wouldn’t want them to think that she had been keeping anything from them. She doesn’t see the need to speak to them about it, but might mention it in the future. She thinks that they wouldn’t think smoking cannabis was the worst thing in the world.

Stephanie saw alcohol as exciting. The first time she got drunk, she and her friends told some boys they’d just met that they had been drunk before.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Once she stopped enjoying cannabis Stephanie gave it up without much difficulty. She says she had…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Stephanie didn’t feel at risk walking home on her own at night although she thinks that she and her friends may have been lucky.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Stephanie used to smoke a lot of cannabis. She thinks most drugs shouldn’t be legalised but sets cannabis apart from the others.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

After stopping using cannabis Stephanie’s short-term memory improved and she felt less anxious…

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Stephanie has trouble remembering things about her school days.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Stephanie decided to try cannabis out of curiosity and because it seemed safer than Class A drugs.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female