Ron – Interview 24
Ron is a retired Chairman/Managing Director. Ron has a number of health problems, some of which interfere with his sleep, but he tries to keep fit and goes to the local sports centre on a regular basis. He recently visited his doctor about his sleep because he was often waking at 3 am in the morning and was unable to get back to sleep after that.
Ron currently shares his home with one of his daughters. At the time of interview he was awaiting major heart surgery which was causing him some anxiety and making him dream. His sleep is disturbed on average about three times a night because of having to go to the toilet, and he often finds that when he wakes up he won’t be able to get back to sleep again. Ron visited his doctor for help with his wakefulness and has been prescribed some sleeping tablets which he finds do make a difference. He will usually take them an hour before going to bed, then read a book in bed for a while before falling asleep, although sometimes he will fall asleep whilst reading.
Ron will usually take a nap during the day, by laying down on the sofa, reading the newspaper and then falling asleep for about half an hour and this helps him to keep alert for the rest of the day.
Ron’s advice for others on how to get good to sleep is to have a warm milk drink with a banana before going to bed. He also suggests tightening and relaxing every muscle in your body systematically and he finds this really helps him to prepare for sleep.