
Mahabuba has a long-term health condition so was afraid of having Covid. Her relationships with friends and family brought her comfort while she had Covid. Mahabuba was interviewed in March 2021.

Mahabuba started using a mask during the pandemic because she has a long-term health condition. She was advised by her husband to not go outside as much as she did before the pandemic. She says that she was not “totally not locked, but you can say ninety five percent locked.” She explains that she only went outside to take her bins out. Mahabuba enjoyed having her children at home to keep her company while she was isolating, because it gave her some family time.

Mahabuba sometimes experiences a higher temperature and breathing problems because of her long-term condition. However, one day she felt particularly unwell and then a few days later her husband started to feel unwell. Then her daughter said that she had a headache and felt unwell. So, Mahabuba and her family booked to have Covid tests which came back positive. Before her test Mahabuba says that she felt a bit afraid of having Covid. She also says that it was not nice having to visit the Covid testing centre because there was a lot of people around coughing.

When Mahabuba recieved her positive Covid test result she phoned her mum, dad, and sister. Mahabuba’s mum cried at the news and said things like “what are you going to do? You should call the doctor. Stay at home for ten days. You can’t go outside. You can’t do anything”. Mahabuba’s main concern was not being able to get enough food for the days she had to quarantine. She was also concerned that she had no lemon, ginger, or orange juice in her house which Mahabuba felt would help her family feel better.