Interview 29

1st child delivered with forceps and ventouse. Had bad tear, lost lots of blood. Planned caesarean with 2nd child 16 months later on advice of doctors. Struggled to decide how to deliver 3rd child, pessimistic about her chance of having VBAC, feels planned CS is the safer option.

She thinks women are likely to look for information that confirms rather than challenges the…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

She has used websites where women share their experiences but also sites designed for health…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

After a very difficult first birth and a comparatively easy planned caesarean, she feels safer…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

She was surprised that the consultant just asked about her preference rather than engage her in…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

There was no continuity of care during any of her pregnancies. She found it hard having to re…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

She was nervous about being awake during her planned caesarean, but it made a big difference that…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

She experienced deep pain from her scar for almost a year but was reassured by the doctor that…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

She does not think there is much point making a birth plan for a planned caesarean. It’s more…

Age at interview 38

Gender Female