Interview 04

In October 2004, her son had a motorbike accident and was admitted to ICU. He had a serious head injury and broken jaw.

In October 2004, her son had a motorbike accident and was admitted to ICU. He had a serious head injury and broken jaw. In total he spent five weeks in ICU and was later transferred to a rehabilitation hospital for three weeks. At home he was looked after by his parents and is making a good recovery.

During the early part of her son’s stay in ICU, when the outcome was uncertain, she found it helpful to talk to the hospital chaplain. She and her husband believed from the moment they saw their son that he would survive and they focussed on what was happening there and then. Although she was happy with the overall care her son received, she was disappointed with the approach of two doctors who didn’t believe her son would recover from his head injury.

At the time of interview she had had some disturbing dreams, which she felt could have been the result of buried emotions surrounding the events of her son’s accident. She felt that her son was making a miraculous recovery, and she had returned to part-time work and study.

She wanted to see how her son would progress without outside influences but also wondered if it…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Her son is now driving again and she is looking forward to the time he will be completely…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

After her son’s accident, she found it difficult to read, watch certain television programmes and…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

She was extremely disappointed in two doctors who wouldn’t believe her when she said her son had…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

She felt it was too soon to tell whether her son would be brain damaged after an accident and she…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Her son had to have his own room because he had MRSA but she felt he was in danger of injuring…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Her son walked for the first time since his accident when he was in a rehabilitation unit and she…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Even though medical staff were treating their critically ill son, he looked comfortable when they…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

In the early stages no one could give her information or hope on whether her son would be brain…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

As a nurse and mother she refused to believe doctors who were telling her that her son would be…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Other peoples everyday concerns felt minor and trivial compared to her own anxieties about her…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

She found it extremely traumatic when someone died and difficult to be supportive to others when…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female