
Gender: Female

Pronouns: She / Her

Freya first learnt about trans identities as a young adult. While growing up she sometimes thought about what life would be like if she had been born a girl, but being trans wasn’t something she was aware of in the community she grew up in.

After coming out to herself as a trans woman she came out to her group of friends in an online chat, then to family. She had really positive responses from friends and although her family were shocked, they wanted to support her.

Passing is really important to Freya and she wants to be aesthetically female as much as possible. Wearing feminine clothes and make up have been an important aspect of her transition from the beginning. Self-medicating with feminising hormones have enabled her to develop breasts and her face to change, but she feels her voice is holding back her ability to pass and she is thinking about getting a voice coach. She would like surgery in the future.

She needed to come off female hormones for a while during fertility preservation treatment which was difficult seeing some changes to her body reverse.

Her experiences with her GP have been very positive. She feels her GP went the extra mile in ensuring name changes in medical notes on all her medical records and supporting her with her transition.

Freya talks about opening up to her GP about “DIY-ing” and how they worked together to manage risk.

Age at interview 21

Freya wants to clear up the “fearmongering” of trans healthcare for young people, there is a crisis going onwe are getting ignored.

Age at interview 21

Freya shares how she came out after her mum “found dresses and stuff” in her wardrobe.

Age at interview 21

Freya talks about working on her voice and practicing exercises.

Age at interview 21

Freya talks about weighing up online information about trans healthcare with information from health professionals.

Age at interview 21