
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Roy - Interview 13

Roy has been retired for some time, but is an active member of the local U3A group (University of the Third Age) and likes to take long walks. He frequently visits his older brother who lives nearby. Roy has had trouble sleeping for many years, but has now found a routine for getting to sleep that he feels works well for him.

  • Background

    Retired Local Government Officer, lives with partner

  • Age at interview 82
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Les - Interview 27

    Les has had several very interesting and different jobs in his lifetime, ranging from being in the army, to being a theatre manager, working in the Sudan, and being a driver. He only retired finally when he was 80. Les has several health problems which contribute to making his sleep very disturbed, but he won't let his poor sleep affect what he does during the day.

  • Background

    Married, one child, retired Driver

  • Age at interview 80
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Daphne - Interview 29

    Daphne has been retired for a few years, but has had a variety of very interesting professions, such as officer in the WAAF, fashion model and actress. On the whole she finds she sleeps well, but would like to have more than the five or six hours she currently has. Daphne believes sleep is very important, but would only really be concerned if she felt she couldn't get to sleep.

  • Background

    Widowed, 2 children, retired Sales Assistant

  • Age at interview 88
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Otto - Interview 36

    Otto has been widowed for four years and has 2 children and one grandchild. Otto is a retired design engineer and was in the RAF during the second world war. Otto likes to keep active by walking a lot and also has an exercise bicycle. His main problems with sleep are that he finds he has to get up in the night to go to the toilet, and then finds he can't get back to sleep, usually because he finds thoughts and worries go round and round his head.

  • Background

    Widowed, 2 children, retired Design Engineer

  • Age at interview 82
  • Sex/Gender Male