Elisabet - Interview 08
Elisabet was diagnosed in 1990. In 2006, she had deep brain stimulation which was successful and has improved her symptoms considerably.
Married, 2 children, still working as a nutrionist.
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Elisabet was diagnosed in 1990. In 2006, she had deep brain stimulation which was successful and has improved her symptoms considerably.
Married, 2 children, still working as a nutrionist.
Diagnosed 13 years ago, Neil has had GDNF and deep brain stimulation which improved his symptoms. Now he has stiffness, slow walking, and sometimes his speech is affected.
Partner, 3 step-children, retired HGV driver.
Andrew was diagnosed with PD 19 years ago. He has had the Deep Brain Stimulation operation twice. His symptoms are moderately well controlled.
Widower, 2 adult children. Lives alone.
Joe developed Parkinson's disease while in his 40's. Deep Brain Stimulation when he was 60 produced a dramatic improvement in his symptoms.
Civil partnership.
Khadim's Parkinsons disease was diagnosed in 2002. Although he was tried on many different treatments none of them helped. In January 2008 he was given Deep Brain Stimulation. This has been very successful.
Machine setter, Married, 5 children.
Stephen was diagnosed with PD when he was 33. After several years when no medication proved successful this was redefined as Parkinsonism and he was offered the DBS operation, This was carried out in 2005 with very good results.
Driver. Divorced 2 children.