Making decisions about birth after caesarean (C-section) resources
NHS www.nhs.uk Information on caesarean from the NHS. Making decisions about birth after a caesarean: questions and answers Produced by healthtalk.org. You may also be...
A Research Associate in Primary Care at the University of Bristol. She has worked on various projects in the area of health communication & health services research over the last ten years. Obtained her Ph.D. in Language & Communication from Cardiff Uni.
Has an M Phil in social policy from the University of Oxford and a PhD from the London School of Economics. She has worked in health services research for the last ten years.
Recruited & interviewed women for the DiAMOND trial about their experiences of decision-making about birth after caesarean. Has a PhD in sociology from Bristol University. Is a Research Fellow in Health & Social Work at the University of Plymouth.
Advisory Panel
Dr Alison Heawood
Lecturer in Primary Care, University of Bristol
Dr Allison Shorten
Research Co-ordinator, School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Indigenous Health, University of Wollongong
Dr Bryony Strachan
Consultant obstetrician, United Bristol Healthcare Trust
Dr Jane Weaver
Senior Lecturer, Centre for Research in Midwifery and Childbirth, Thames Valley University
Dr Roshni Patel
Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, United Bristol Healthcare Trust
Mervi Jokinen
Practice and Standards Development Officer, Royal College of Midwives
Mrs Julia Sanders
Consultant Midwife, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust
Dr Clare Thomas
Trial Co-ordinator for the DiAMOND study, University of Bristol
Ms Sandra Ryalls
Mother with experience of Caesarean and Vaginal Birth after Caesarean
Prof Deirdre Murphy
Professor of Obstetrics, University of Dublin
Prof Rona McCandlish
Epidemiologist in Maternal Health, National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford
We would like to thank all the participants and health professionals who helped us with this research.
Supported by:
Bristol University
BUPA foundation
Dundee University
NHS www.nhs.uk Information on caesarean from the NHS. Making decisions about birth after a caesarean: questions and answers Produced by healthtalk.org. You may also be...