Information about body and organ donation
If you decide you want to leave your body for medical research you can contact The Licensed Tutor of Anatomy at your local medical school....
Because death and dying are such emotional subjects that cause extremely painful feelings, it is understandable that many people try to avoid thinking about them. Some people are superstitious about death and are worried that even thinking or talking about it will make it happen.
There are others who feel that talking about death and preparing themselves and their families can help them get prepared and help to control and minimise fear. Some with a terminal illness want to organise their own funerals in advance and chose what prayers, readings and music they would like. Many also wish to choose in advance whether they wish to be buried or cremated or whether they would prefer to leave their bodies to medical research.
Organisations that can help you with making decisions about funerals include the Natural Death Centre and British Humanist Association.
If you decide you want to leave your body for medical research you can contact The Licensed Tutor of Anatomy at your local medical school....
Euthanasia is used by many to mean 'mercy killing' but the word (from Greek) literally means 'good death' or death without suffering. There are many...