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Mike - Interview 08

Mike was diagnosed with hairy cell leukaemia in 2003 after a variety of symptoms. Five daily doses of cladribine chemotherapy put him into remission. During diagnostic tests he was also found to have kidney cancer, which was removed surgically.

  • Background

    Mike has retired from working as a solicitor in the civil service. He is married with two adult children. Ethnic background: White Scottish Episcopalian.

  • Age at interview 66
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Luke - Interview 15

    Luke was diagnosed with hairy cell leukaemia after feeling very tired. A six week course of intravenous pentostatin as an outpatient put him into remission. Five years on he still gets tired and has other health problems.

  • Background

    Luke is a retired journalist with four children.

  • Age at interview 64
  • Sex/Gender Male