Fiona ' Interview 23
After unsuccessful IVF treatment, Fiona went on to adopt three sibling girls.
Fiona is a part-time teacher. She lives with her husband and three adopted daughters. Ethnic background’ White British.
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After unsuccessful IVF treatment, Fiona went on to adopt three sibling girls.
Fiona is a part-time teacher. She lives with her husband and three adopted daughters. Ethnic background’ White British.
Rachel and her husband adopted two girls after deciding to stop treatment.
Rachel is a pre-school special needs teacher. She lives with her husband (John ‘ 26) and two adopted daughters. Ethnic background’ White British.
Janine and her husband (Steve ' Interview 34) had unsuccessful IVF with ICSI treatment and decided to adopt two boys.
Janine was a student, married to Steve (Interview 34) with two adopted sons. Ethnic background’ White British.
Steve and his wife had unsuccessful ICSI treatment and decided to adopt two boys.
Steve is a lecturer, married to Janine (Interview 33). They have two adopted sons. Ethnic background’ White British.