Belinda ' Interview 02
Belinda and her husband had been trying for a baby for 2 years and had two unsuccessful attempts at IUI so far.
Belinda is an intensive care nurse, living with her husband. Ethnic background’ White British.
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Belinda and her husband had been trying for a baby for 2 years and had two unsuccessful attempts at IUI so far.
Belinda is an intensive care nurse, living with her husband. Ethnic background’ White British.
Clare and her husband have had one cycle of failed IVF and a miscarried a baby conceived naturally. Clare is just about to embark on another cycle.
Clare is married and worked as a mediation officer. Ethnic Background’ White British.
Carol had been trying to start a family for 8 years, and had been through 5 cycles of IVF, without success.
Carol is a marketing manager living with her husband. Ethic background’ White British.
Tim is Carol's husband (08), and they have been trying to start a family together for 8 years.
Tim is an engineer, married to Carol (08). Ethnic background’ White British.
Sandra, a nanny, has been trying for a baby for 9 years. She is still in treatment, after 6 cycles of IVF with ICSI.
Sandra is a nanny, living with her husband. White British.
George and his wife have been trying to conceive for 10 years. They have been on a waiting list for IVF for 3 years, and are about to start treatment shortly.
George is an engineer. He is married to his second wife, Gemma (Interview 14) and lives in Scotland. Ethnic background’ White Scottish.
Mike had recently married and they were trying to start a family, but using donor sperm as he had been left infertile following cancer treatment in his teens.
Mike is a school teacher, married. Ethnic background’ White British.