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Dee was diagnosed with gout at the age of 40. She initially took preventative medication but now self-manages the condition, through a healthy lifestyle. She takes anti-inflammatories if necessary.

  • Background

    Dee is married and lives with her husband. She works as a University Lecturer. Ethnic background/nationality: dual White British/South African.

  • Age at interview 56
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Hazel

    Hazel has had gout for around seven years. Many members of her family, in the Philippines, also have gout. Gout has a huge impact on Hazel's life, including where she lives and works, what she eats and her plans to have a baby.

  • Background

    Hazel is married and lives with her husband. She works as a researcher. Ethnic background/nationality: Asian Filipino.

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sam

    Sam's gout started a few years ago and she take allopurinol to reduce the number of attacks. She feels a bit embarrassed about being a woman with gout and would like to be able to talk to other women with the condition.

  • Background

    Sam is married and lives with her husband, son and daughter. She works as a secretary in a charity for adults with learning disabilities. Ethnic background/nationality: White Welsh.

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Paula

    Paula's symptoms began several years ago, but she thinks her GP did not realise how bad they were at the time. She has a kidney problem which may have increased her chances of getting gout. She tries to eat less high purine foods and has not had an attack recently.

  • Background

    Paula works as PA to the Chief Executive of a charity organisation. Ethnic background/nationality: White English.

  • Age at interview 46
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jill

    Jill has had two kidney transplants. She takes 200mg of allopurinol every day, and also eats cherries. She has had four attacks in the last 12 months and finds Reiki helpful to manage the pain.

  • Background

    Jill is divorced and lives alone. She is retired, and previously worked as an Infeeder for a manufacturing company. Ethnic background/nationality: White English.

  • Age at interview 53
  • Sex/Gender Female