Feeding a baby while living with HIV resources
Information about HIV and infant feeding Are you thinking about how to feed your baby while living with HIV? Here are some useful questions to...
Bakita Kasadha is a qualitative researcher, who joined the Medical Sociology & Health Experiences Research Group, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford in 2021. Bakita has a background in HIV, sexual and reproductive Health and Rights. She co-edited a SAGE publication special collection with Dr Shema Tariq (UCL) titled HIV & Women: Where Are We Now? She also serves as an advisor on a range of national and international committees and steering groups, including Queen Mary’s Sexual Health and HIV All East Research (SHARE) Collaborative. Bakita recruited participants, conducted the interviews, analysed the data and co-wrote the topic summaries for this project.
Tanvi Rai is a Senior Researcher in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford and Principal Investigator for this study. Her research focuses on the social determinants of health and health inequalities. Her expertise is in developing and conducting mixed methods research to understand how social and structural factors influence how people cope with different health conditions, and their experience of accessing and receiving healthcare.
Sabrina Keating joined the Medical Sociology & Health Experiences Research Group, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford as an Ann McPherson Research Fellow in 2021. She provided assistance with written materials and administrative tasks for this project.
We would like to thank the people who participated in this research by sharing their experiences. We are also grateful to everyone who provided feedback, advice and support in developing this module, including interview participants, advisory panel members, and co-investigators.
The study team would like to thank all who supported recruitment, particularly:
Hilda Achola, The BHA
Mariegold Akomode, Waverley Care
Anna Brewster and Ornella Trinidade, The Food Chain
Dr Mimie Chirwa, Bedford Hospital, Luton and Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Hilary Marling, Body and Soul Charity
Janine Read, 4M Network and Homerton Hospital
Sue Yeadon, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Many thanks to the actors who portrayed some of our study participants:
Francesca Anderson
Lasharne Anderson
Lydia Bakelmun
Krage Brown
Ayesha Casely-Hayford
Carol Ellis
Karlina Grace-Paṣeda
Montana Mascoll
Godiva Rose Marsh
Arieta Visoka
Ms Siobhán Allison Nurse/MSc Student in Public Health (LSHTM)
Ms Anna Brewster, Services & Volunteer Manager (The Food Chain)
Miss Ornella Trinidade, Dietetic Support Team Leader (The Food Chain)
Mr Sujay Chakravarti, Consultant Obstetrician, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Calum Douglas, Policy and Campaigns Officer, National AIDS Trust
Dr Nell Freeman-Romilly, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Prof. Yvonne Gilleece, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
Sasha Goodman
Dr Cheryl Gowar, Senior Policy and Research Manager, National AIDS Trust
Ms Rosalie Hayes, Research Assistant, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Dr Lisa Hinton, THIS Institute
Anna Horn, Doctoral Researcher (City, University of London)
Wanja Knighton, Founder, RISE (Racially Inclusive Skin Evidence)
Gillian Letting, Mentor mother – 4M Network
Mrs Heather L Longworth, ANNB Screening Coordinator (Liverpool Women’s Hospital)
Prof. Hermione Lyall MD, Consultant Paediatrician, Infectious Diseases, Professor of Practice, Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Moira Marks, former midwife with special interest in HIV with maternal and infant care (previously with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust)
Hilary Marling, Children and Family Therapeutic Support, Body and Soul Charity
Ms Neo Moepi, Women’s Project Coordinator (Positively UK), Mentor Mother (4M Network)
Ms Angelina Namiba, Co-Founder, 4M Network
Dr Farai Nyatsanza, Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
Dr Shema Tariq, University College London
Dr Rebecca Walker, Engagement Officer, Blue Sky Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne
Prof. Catriona Waitt, University of Liverpool
Sue Yeadon, HIV Support Worker, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Tanvi Rai, Oxford University
Dr Shema Tariq, University College London
Ms Angelina Namiba, 4M Network
Dr Nell Freeman-Romilly, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Farai Nyatsanza, Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust
Adam Barnett, The Dipex Charity
Information about HIV and infant feeding Are you thinking about how to feed your baby while living with HIV? Here are some useful questions to...