Atrial fibrillation resources
Arthritis Research UK
Arthritis Research UK is the leading UK funder of research into the cause, treatment and cure of arthritis. It also provides high quality information about arthritis (including gout) for people with arthritis, health professionals and students, researchers, and policy makers.
Arthritis Care
Arthritis Care is the UK’s largest charity working with and for all people who have arthritis.
The UK Gout Society
The UK Gout Society is a registered charity, launched in December 2002. It aims to provide basic information about the causes and treatment of gout, and about organisations that are committed to education, health promotion and the prevention of gout.

Who made this atrial fibrillation resource?
Jenny Hislop Jenny Hislop joined the Health Experiences Research Group as a Senior Researcher in October 2008. A sociologist with research interests in women’s health...