Who made this asthma resource?
Susan Kirkpatrick

Anne-Marie Boylan
Abi Eccles
Abi joined HERG as a research assistant in July 2010 and is now studying for a DPhil in Primary Care funded by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research (NSPCR). Her research explores Multiple Sclerosis, patient-doctor interaction and decisional support needs. Before joining HERG, Abi completed her BSc reading Sociology and Anthropology at Oxford Brookes University.
We are very grateful for all the help and support we have received in producing this module. Thanks to all those who were interviewed; the researchers, consultants, nurses, GPs and support organisations who helped us recruit participants, and provided us with expert feedback and advice during the project.
Advisory panel
Sue Ziebland
Research Director, Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford
Dr Helen Salisbury
Medical Advisor, Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford
Dr Louise Locock
Deputy Research Directory, Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford
Jo Riley
Lead Respiritory Nurse, Churchill Hospital, Oxford
Di Croft
Specialist Asthma Nurse, Jericho Health Centre, Oxford
Jane Gilliard
Lay panel representative
Eileen Pearson-Burton
Lay panel representative
Professor Brian Williams
Director of the SDHI and Reader in Behavioural Science within the Division of Clinical & Population Sciences & Education, University of Dundee
Dr Jen Cleland
Clinical Senior Lecturer and Lead for Medical Education Research, University of Aberdeen
Malayka Rahman
Research Officer, Asthma UK
Professor Jon Ayers
Professor and Director of the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Birmingham University, UK.
This is a summary of independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research funding scheme (RP-PG-0608-10147). The views expressed are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
Grant holders:
Sue Ziebland
Louise Locock
John Powell
Sally Wyke
Pamela Briggs
Elizabeth Sillence
Peter Harris
Andrew Farmer
Rafael Perrera
Sula Wiltshire
Crispin Jenkinson
Margaret Booth
Bob Gann