Young people
The clips on Youthhealthtalk and Healthtalkonline are a great free teaching resource that you can use to bring to life a range of important topics and stimulate discussion in class.
We have thousands of video clips of people from a wide range of backgrounds sharing their experiences of issues that are covered in PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Religious Studies KS3 and KS4 curriculums, including:
- Sex and sexual health
- Being lesbian or gay
- Drugs and alcohol
- Depression in young people
- Eating disorders
- Bereavement
- Terminal illness
Religious Education/Religious Studies:
- Religion and dying (afterlife, belief in God, suffering)
- Religion and drugs & alcohol (ethics, relationships)
- Euthanasia/Assisted dying/Assisted suicide (medical ethics, value of life)
- Abortion
We also cover a range of issues relevant to A level subjects and other post-16 study such as:
- Psychology (mental health, young people and depression, eating disorders in young people, brain injury)
- Sociology
- Health and social care