The benefits of using in teaching
This website is used all over the world to bring the human experience to the teaching of medical education, nursing, allied health professions, psychology, sociology, anthropology and personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and much more. Below are a few reasons to use our resources in your classes, lectures, talks and seminars.
1) A vast library of resources: We have tens of thousands of video and audio clips of people sharing their experiences of more than 100 health conditions and social issues. If you are looking for a video to illustrate a topic related to health and social issues, we can probably help. Browse our range of videos. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email us to ask.
2) Reliable content: All of the content is produced using robust qualitative research methods developed by the Health Experiences Research Group at the University of Oxford. The site is accredited by the RCGP as a learning resource.
3) Our resources can enhance learning: Research by Snow et al (2016)* showed that learners’ knowledge retention, confidence and exam results were much improved when our patient experience videos were included in their learning.
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*Rosamund Snow, Joanna Crocker, Katherine Talbot, Jane Moore & Helen Salisbury (2016) Does hearing the patient perspective improve consultation skills in examinations? An exploratory randomized controlled trial in medical undergraduate education, Medical Teacher, 38:12, 1229-1235, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2016.1210109