Supporting a loved one

If you’re visiting this site as a friend, family member or carer who is concerned about someone else, you can use this site to find out more from the point of view of others in the same situation. We also have information about the experiences of carers, and family members on the following topics:

Autism siblings
Autism grandparents
Autism parents
Parents of children with congenital heart disease
Dementia carers
BME mental health carers
Caring for someone with a terminal illness

Wondering how to talk to friends and family about your own health? It’s not always easy to talk to friends and family about our health, or things that are worrying us, and it can be difficult for them to know how to help. So why not let other people do the talking for you? Collect relevant pages or videos from across the website in your scrapbook and share it with friends and family members by email or on social media.