Women’s experience of coronary heart disease: why is it different?
Almond SC, Salisbury H, Ziebland S (2012)
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 7(4): 165 -170

An alarming prognosis: How people affected by pancreatic cancer use (and avoid) internet information.
Chapple A, Evans J, Ziebland S (2012)
Policy & Internet 4(2): 1-20

A proper, fitting explanation? : Suicide bereavement and perceptions of the coroner’s verdict.
Chapple A, Ziebland S, Hawton K (2012)
Crisis 33(4): 230-238

Private lives and column inches: a qualitative study of how people bereaved by suicide perceived newspaper reporting
Chapple A, Ziebland S, Simkin S, Hawton K (2012)
British Journal of Psychiatry

Talk of frustration in the narratives of people with chronic pain.
Dow CM, Roche PA, Ziebland S (2012)
Chronic Illness 8(3): 176-191

What parents say about disclosing the end of their pregnancy due to fetal abnormality.
France EF, Hunt K, Ziebland S, Wyke S (2012)
Midwifery [Article in press]

Imagined futures: how experiential knowledge of disability affects parents’ decision making about fetal abnormality.
France EF, Locock L, Hunt K, Ziebland S, Field K, Wyke S (2012)
Health Expectations 15(2): 139-156

General practitioners’ views on quality markers for children in UK primary care: a qualitative study.
Gill PJ, Hislop J, Mant D, Harnden A (2012)
BMC Family Practice 13:92

A qualitative exploration of the role of primary care in supporting colorectal cancer patients.
Hall S, Gray N, Browne S, Ziebland S, Campbell NC (2012)
Supportive Care in Cancer 20(12): 3071-3078

Reassured or fobbed off: Perspectives on infertility consultations in primary care: a qualitative study.
Hinton L, Kurinczuk JJ, Ziebland S (2012)
British Journal of General Practice 62(599): e438-e445

Interpretation and acceptance of the term ‘cancer survivor’: a United Kingdom-based qualitative study.
Khan NF, Harrison S, Rose PW, Ward A, Evans J (2012)
European Journal of Cancer Care 21(2): 177-186.

Defining cancer survivorship: a transparent approach is needed.
Khan NF, Rose PW, Evans J (2012)
Journal of Cancer Survivorship 6(1): 33-36

Metaphoric language and the articulation of emotions by people affected by Motor Neurone Disease.
Locock L, Mazanderani F, Powell J (2012)
Chronic Illness 8(3): 201-213

Being differently the same: an exploration of the mediation of identity tensions in the sharing of illness experience.
Mazanderani F, Powell J, Locock L (2012)
Social Science and Medicine 74(4): 546-553

Women’s experience of transfer from midwifery unit to hospital obstetric unit during labour: a qualitative interview study.
Rowe RE, Kurinczuk JJ, Locock L, Fitzpatrick R (2012)
Biomed Central Pregnancy and Childbirth 12(1): 129 [Epub ahead of print]

‘The brain is such a delicate thing’: an exploration of fear and seizures among young people with epilepsy.
Ryan S, Raisanen U (2012)
Chronic Illness 8(3): 214-224

‘You know what boys are like’: pre-diagnosis experiences of parents of children with autism spectrum conditions.
Ryan S, Salisbury H (2012)
British Journal of General Practice 62(598): e378-e383

Why listening to health care users really matters.
Ziebland S (2012)
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 17(2): 68-69

Emotions and chronic illness.
Ziebland S, Kokanovic R (2012)
Chronic Illness 8(3): 159-162.

Health and illness in a connected world: how might sharing experiences on the internet affect people’s health?
Ziebland S, Wyke S (2012)
Milbank Quarterly 90(2): 219-249