Evidence for health-led interventions in the postnatal period to enhance infant and maternal mental health: A review of reviews
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Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Preventing Obesity: Parental views about the EMPOWER programme
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How the Internet is changing the experience of bereavement by suicide: A qualitative study in the UK
Chapple A, Ziebland S (2010)
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Viewing the body after bereavement due to a traumatic death: a qualitative study in the UK
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Infertility; isolation and the internet.
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“To be accepted as normal”: Public understanding and misconceptions concerning survivors of brain injury.
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Women’s accounts of the physical sensation of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis: expectations and experience
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‘All in the same boat’? Patient and carer attitudes to peer support and social comparison in Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
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‘Children, young people and ‘disability’: challenging children’s geographies?
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Meltdowns, surveillance and managing emotions; going out with children with autism
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Qualitative studies of the benefits and adverse effects of the availability of cancer information and support on the internet
Sue Ziebland, Julie Evans, Alison Chapple (2010)
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