The ethics of complementary therapy research recruitment: a case study
Barlow F, Lewith G (2009)
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Interviewing children with acquired brain injury (ABI).
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‘Getting through’ not ‘going under’. A qualitative study of gender and spousal support after diagnosis with colorectal cancer
Emslie C, Browne S, McLeod U, Rozmovits L, Mitchell E, Ziebland S (2009)
Social Science & Medicine ; 68: 1169-1175

Practitioners, postnatal depression, and translation: an investigation into the representation of Bangladeshi mothers in the East End
Griffith L (2009)
Anthropology & Medicine 16 (3): 267-278

Disclosing a Cancer Diagnosis to Friends and Family: a gendered analysis of young men’s and women’s experiences
Hilton S, Emslie C, Hunt K, Chapple A, Ziebland S (2009)
Qualitative Health Research ; 19 (6): 744-754

Experiencing Cancer in Old Age: A Qualitative Systematic Review
Hughes N, Closs SJ & Clark D (2009)
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‘My brain couldn’t move from planning a birth to planning a funeral’: a qualitative study of parents’ experiences of decisions after ending a pregnancy for fetal abnormality
Hunt, K. France, E. Wyke, S. Field, K. Ziebland, S (2009)
International Journal of Nursing Studies ;46: 1111-1121

The meaning of evidence; can practitioners be researchers?
Lewith G, Brien S, Barlow F, Eyles C, Flower A, Hall S, Hill C, Hopwood V (2009)
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The context and meaning of placebos for complementary medicine
Lewith,G., Barlow,F.,Eyles,C.,Flower,A., Hall,S., Hopwood,V., Walker,J (2009)
Forschende Komplementarmedzin, 16: 404-412

Biographical disruption, abruption and repair in the context of Motor Neurone Disease
Locock L, Ziebland S, Dumelow C (2009)
Sociology of Health and Illness, 31 (7): 1-16

‘Making it all normal’: the role of the internet in problematic pregnancy
Lowe P, Powell J, Thorogood M, Locock L (2009)
Qualitative Health Research 19 (10): 1476-84

Patients views of a multimedia resource featuring experiences of rheumatoid arthritis: pilot evaluation of www.healthtalkonline.org
Newman M, Ziebland S, Barker K (2009)
Health Informatics Journal ; 15: 147-159

Theoretical and practical issues in the definition of health: Insights from an Aboriginal Australian Health definition
Paula Boddington, Ulla Räisänen (2009)
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 34 (1): 68-90

Evaluation of a massage programme for children who have been sexually abused and their non-abusing mothers
Powell LA, Cheshire A (2009)
Child Abuse and Neglect (in press)

Children’s experiences of living with cerebral palsy and their participation in a Training and Support Programme involving massage
Powell LA, Cheshire A, Swaby L (2009)
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (in Press)

Report on an intervention involving massage and yoga for male adolescents attending one community special school
Powell LA, Potter L (2009)
UK International Journal Special Education (In press)

From advocate to activist? Mapping the experiences of mothers of children on the autism spectrum
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Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 22 (1): 43-53

Mind and Body Management Strategies for Chronic Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis: strategies in search of well being
Shariff F, Carter J, Dow C, Polley M, Salinas M, Ridge D (2009)
Qualitative Health Research

Perhaps the cause of autism lies within the senses, rather than DNA
Silva LM, Powell LA (2009)
American Journal of Occupational Therapy (April 2009 posted online)

What patients think about ICU follow-up services: a qualitative study
Suman Prinjha, Kate Field, Kathy Rowan (2009)
Critical Care 2009, 13:R46

Treatment Choices
Ziebland S (2009)
Encyclopedia of Shared Decision making. Sage 2009