Views of UK medical graduates about flexible and part-time working in medicine: a qualitative study
Julie Evans, Michael Goldacre, Trevor Lambert (2000)
Medical Education 34: 355-362

An epidemiological study of the relative importance of damp housing in relation to adult health
Julie Evans, Sophie Hyndman, Sarah Stewart-Brown, David Smith, Sophie Petersen (2000)
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 54: 677-686

The Changing Nature of Rationing in the UK National Health Service
Locock L (2000)
Public Administration 78: 91-109

International Perspectives on Priority Setting
Locock, L (2000)
in Bradley, P. and Burls, A. (eds.) Ethics in Public Health, London: Routledge

The health of students in institutes of higher education: an important and neglected public health problem?
Sarah Stewart-Brown, Julie Evans, Jacoby Patterson, Sophie Petersen, Helen Doll, John Balding, David Regis (2000)
Journal of Public Health Medicine 22: 492-499

Views of junior doctors about their work: survey of qualifiers of 1993 and 1996 from United Kingdom medical schools
Trevor Lambert, Michael Goldacre, Julie Evans (2000)
Medical Education 34: 348-354