Linda – Interview 32

Linda was diagnosed when she was 19. She is currently taking medication, and has benefited from counseling She had a happy childhood and supportive family. She has found exercise, walks on the beach near her house, surrounding herself with friends and family, and returning to her home city very helpful.

Linda describes her childhood as happy. She had a wonderful family; and is very close to her extended family. They enjoyed holidays overseas and at a beach close to where she grew up. Linda says she had a fantastic group of friends and a full life;, and cannot think of any environmental causes for her depression. She says there is no family history of depression and that her diagnosis came out of the blue;. At times she has felt guilty because she cannot point to an event such as grief or trauma that caused her depression.

When she was 18 and in her first year of university Linda says things went downhill;. Initially she thought she may have had glandular fever. She became withdrawn and disinterested in social activity and often just wanted to stay in bed;. She describes feeling as if the whole world had lost its colour;. Linda consulted her GP who asked her what was wrong, at which point she burst into tears and sobbed. She was diagnosed with depression, prescribed antidepressants and referred to a counsellor. The first antidepressants she tried made her sick but the next ones she was prescribed she found beneficial. Linda says during this time her mother and family were very supportive.

Linda later decided to move interstate to study. In hindsight she believes this was a mistake, as she lost the support network of her family and friends. Although she was taking antidepressant medication, she felt lost and alone. She had a partner briefly but the relationship ended, she thought, because of her depression. Linda became more and more depressed; and called her mother who came and helped her move home. She later moved to another state where she saw a psychologist but says they didn’t really click;. She has seen other psychologists in her home city and says counselling has been beneficial. Linda has now settled back in her home city and says that being close to family and friends is very helpful for her. She believes she has been lucky to have employers who understand her depression and have supported her when she has needed time off work.

Linda continues with her medication and says counselling has helped her to be aware of warning signs;. She regularly exercises, and walks on the beach near her house. Linda says surrounding herself with friends and family and returning to her home city were very helpful for getting better. Her social interactions and cheerfulness returned and she has stopped feeling guilty about having depression;. Linda believes her recovery was both about regaining everyday functions and also a healing process of acceptance of her depression and a ‘journey of self-growth and awareness.

Linda said that access to information on the internet was useful in helping her to understand her…

Age at interview 26

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 19

Although Lindas former boss was unsupportive, she thinks awareness of depression in both wider…

Age at interview 26

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 19

Linda felt on the way to recovery when she accepted her depression as an illness that she was not…

Age at interview 26

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 19

Linda described her struggle with suicidal thoughts and characterised her depression experience…

Age at interview 26

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 19