Interview 13

1st child was breech, so had planned CS. Various complications made her keen to avoid repeat CS. Asserted herself against doctors recommendations. 2nd child born after 12 hour labour with help of ventouse. Pleased with experience, recovered much better.

Being able to talk to friends who had faced the same decision was helpful in making up her mind…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She was determined not to have another caesarean. The doctor said she could only push for an hour…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She made friends with other women who were keen to attempt vaginal birth through an internet…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She felt anxious when a growth scan at 34 weeks showed her baby to be breech as she did not want…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

The information she received on planned caesarean did not prepare her for the difficult recovery…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

After the caesarean, she developed heart palpitations that lasted for several months and which…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female