Impact on daily routines

We talked to older people aged 65 plus about how bad sleep affected them during the day. For most of them, having a bad night wouldn’t make a big difference to their daily routines. However, some people did change their plans or their regular routine. People talked about how bad sleep affects them in the day and how they adapt to this.

Effects of a bad night’s sleep

A few people said that a bad night’s sleep might affect their mood the next day and make it difficult for them to get things done. Some people told us they feel very sluggish in the morning, and find it difficult to get going the next day if they sleep badly. For some it feels like jet lag.

After a bad night, P. is aware that he feels a bit jet-lagged the next day, and may unknowingly…

Age at interview 95

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Changes to routine after a bad night’s sleep

Those who did make changes to their routines following a bad night sometimes made small changes, such as trying not to fit in quite as much in the day. But some people made larger changes, such as cancelling trips or visits.

Juliet sometimes sleeps badly because of pain from her rheumatoid arthritis, and mostly she will…

Age at interview 69

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A few people, who weren’t working, and didn’t need to be up at a set time, said they stayed in bed a little bit longer in the morning and may even consider taking their breakfast back to bed.

If Roy has a bad night he finds it more difficult to get up and get on with things in the morning…

Age at interview 82

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An early night could follow a bad night’s sleep for some. Otto said he takes a sleeping pill to ensure he has a good night’s sleep after a night of sleeping badly. Some people found that keeping active and going for a long walk helped to cope with a bad night’s sleep. Others have a nap or doze off at some point during the day after a bad night’s sleep, whether they plan to or not.

Fred would definitely not go to bed any earlier if he slept badly the night before, but he may…

Age at interview 67

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Keeping the same routine

Some people told us they would not make any changes to their day if they had slept poorly the previous night. Several people still worked part-time and even though they might have liked to have a lay in after a bad night, they weren’t able to because they had to be up early to go to work. Even if Val has a very bad night, she still has to walk her dogs and look after her grandchildren.

Others felt it was important to carry on as if they had slept normally and avoid taking a nap during the day or evening, in case this stops them from sleeping better that night.

Even though some people found it a struggle to keep going until their normal bedtime after a previous night’s poor sleep, most would not go to bed earlier, Peter even felt it worked better for him if he went to bed later after a bad night to ensure that he really was very tired.

Apart from feeling a bit sluggish after a bad nights sleep, Mike would just get up and get on…

Age at interview 66

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If John has a bad night he tries to keep going all day, despite feeling a big jet-lagged,…

Age at interview 67

Gender Male

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Getting used to bad sleep

If sleeping badly happens on a regular basis, people told us they accept it and just get used to it. They would not necessarily adjust their routines the next day.

Daytime sleep

We talked to people in older age about their sleep and how it had changed with age. Here people aged over 65 discuss naps and...

Making sense of poor sleep

We talked to people aged over 65 about their experiences of sleep and how they make sense of their sleep problems. People described their idea...