Reflecting on and managing hallucinations, paranoia and delusions

Remembering psychotic experiences

Many of the young people we spoke to had had continual psychotic experiences since their early or late teens, while some, like Andrew Z and Lucy, had started having psychotic experiences only relatively recently. Three of the people we spoke to, Sameeha, Becky and Joseph had had a single short period of psychosis in their early twenties.

Memories of psychotic experiences could be confusing or unclear. Andrew X said, ‘I struggle to remember things from my psychotic experiences like my brain has blocked them out deliberately – which I’m cool with’. However, psychotic experiences could also feel so much like reality that some people had vivid memories of them. Joe’s first major hallucination comes back to him regularly as a recurring nightmare. Luke remembers ‘everything’ about his delusions and at the time when he is experiencing them they don’t seem extraordinary. It is only afterwards that he wonders ‘Why did I think that’?

Memories of psychotic experiences can be upsetting and frightening (see hallucinations, paranoia and delusions). Sometimes people could act erratically and experience big mood swings. Becky described it as ‘like a demon comes out’ when she experienced psychosis. People also described feeling disinhibited; saying or doing things that they usually wouldn’t do or say. Afterwards it could be awkward remembering.

Sameeha felt as if she was sitting in her own chest watching herself. It was upsetting to hear afterwards how her actions had affected others.

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 21

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Dominic hears clearly identifiable voices. At one point he heard seven voices. The constant chit chat was intense and made him angry. The loudest voice would give him commands telling him to hurt others.

Age at interview 24

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 21

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But some of the young people also described pleasurable memories such as heightened senses, spiritual-like feelings and false memories of ‘happiness’. A few people related positively to some of their psychotic experiences. For example, Luke mentioned the ‘high that people with bipolar experience’.

Barry experienced a high from drinking cold water because his senses were heightened.

Age at interview 19

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 16

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Joseph remembers tasting avocado while he was recovering in hospital and it being like the first time he’sd tried it. He also remembers a sense of euphoria looking out of the hospital windows over the city.

Age at interview 22

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 21

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Managing the impact of hallucinations, delusions and paranoia

People who had experienced psychosis for many years described ‘ups and downs’ with their psychosis and said the psychotic experience itself usually didn’t change over time. However, they had often found ways to manage the psychotic experiences, which could make it easier to cope. Medication or talking therapies had helped reduce the number of psychotic experiences for some people, or made them less upsetting, while others had found self-management techniques that helped them.

Joe’s voices make him feel blasts of emotion. He uses mindfulness and meditation to make his brain calm so that the voices become calmer.

Age at interview 23

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 21

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Dominic has been seeing images, hearing voices and experiencing other hallucinations since he was 16. He now has a positive relationship with his voices, and says it can be fun.

Age at interview 24

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 21

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People had different ideas about how best to manage voices and hallucinations. Some found simple things worked best. Ruby finds that talking or singing aloud helps reduce her voices because ‘you can’t experience audible hallucination when you are talking. The brain can’t process both.’ Hannah said, ‘If I see a vision, trying to walk away from it helps’.

Green Lettuce says its best to try to ignore commanding voices, keep your mind as occupied as possible, and get a ‘proper routine’ in the day and night. But Dominic found that if he ignored his voices, they would get louder and angrier and that what worked best was communicating with them on a daily basis.

Dominic says it’s important to find what works for you. When he purposefully listens and responds to what the voices say, the power shifts and they have less effect on him.

Age at interview 24

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 21

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Joe has had multi-sensory hallucinations that involve him hurting others. Even though they only happened in his head he feels he needs to treat them as though they were real and tries to forgive’s himself for what happened during the hallucination.

Age at interview 23

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 21

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Even when people found things that helped them to manage, what worked could change over time. Joe has found many different ways to understand and relate to his experiences of psychosis and said, ‘what works now maybe wouldn’t have worked in the past, and may not work in the future. Trying to make peace with my voices when I was still getting my grandfather’s voice screaming at me, that wouldn’t have gone well for me.’

Others had not found anything that worked and could find themselves very quickly in a ‘crisis’ situation.

Lucy, who had her first psychotic experience less than a year before she spoke to us, finds it hard to spot the signs when she is deteriorating. By the time she reaches out for help she is in crisis’s and distraction doesn’st work.

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 21

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Having hallucinations, paranoia and delusions

People's experiences of psychosis can be very varied. In our interviews people described experiences including: Visual hallucinations Tactile hallucinations Auditory hallucinations Delusions Paranoia False memories...