Adam & Sonya

Adam and Sonya’s first baby arrived safely, without complications. But at 3 weeks they noticed a lump in her groin. She had a hernia in her groin that required surgery.

Adam and Sonya’s first baby arrived safely, without any complications. They came home the day she was born, and everything was going well. But when she was three weeks old, Sonya noticed that her daughter had a small lump in her groin. She went to see the GP who sent her straight to the local hospital (a large teaching hospital).

They waited in A & E for several hours, being seen by various doctors. Finally, a consultant told them they were being transferred to the children’s surgical ward and that they were booked in for surgery the next day. Doctors had found a hernia in her groin, which they did not think was an emergency, so they were happy to leave it overnight, but it did need surgery.

Sonya spent a worrying night at her daughter’s cot-side, Adam was not allowed to stay overnight. Next morning the anaesthetist visited them, to talk them through the consent forms, and in the early afternoon, their daughter was taken down for her surgery. It was a short operation, just 20 minutes. The surgeon came and told them he had fixed the hernia, and also checked to see if there was another one on the other side. After the surgery, their daughter had to stay in another night and then was allowed home.

Adam and Sonya’s daughter had a hernia operation. Feeding her was the main focus as soon as she came out of surgery.

Adam and Sonya were shattered when they bought their daughter home from her surgery, but it felt they had passed a test as first time parents.

Adam and Sonya felt that it was a shame that only one of them was allowed to go in there with daughter as she went through for the anaesthetic.

Adam was reassured to see the surgeon who told him their daughter’s hernia operation had gone well.

Sonya and Adam felt they had been set their first test as parents and passed.

Sonya and Adam described their intense experience in hospital with their daughter when she had a groin hernia operation. It was only three days so they didn’st get time to get into a routine.

Although their daughter only needed a simple procedure to correct her hernia, Adam and Sonya were worried about her having a general anaesthetic. The meeting with the anaesthetist reassured them.

Sonya felt she was put under a lot of pressure to breastfeed her daughter as soon as she came out of theatre.