Marcia – Interview 20

Despite night sweats, weight gain and poor memory, Marcia has not found the menopause too problematic, managing her symptoms without HRT or alternative remedies. She believes lack of information leaves women feeling unsupported during the menopause.

Marcia’s menopause story began at age 45 when her periods started to become irregular. Experiencing lower back pain and bloating and with a history of fibroids, she consulted her GP for reassurance that her symptoms were the start of the menopause and nothing more serious. While her GP did not feel that a blood test to confirm menopause was necessary, he did send her for a scan to assure her there was nothing else to worry about.

Since then, Marcia’s periods have gradually declined and have now more or less stopped altogether;. Despite not bleeding each month, she has noticed that the lower backache and bloating return like a reminder; when her period would normally be due. Although she has experienced hot sweats which wake her two or three nights a week, she does not find these problematic.

Marcia associates her weight gain with the menopause. Despite exercise and a balanced diet, she feels frustrated that she cannot control her fifties stomach;. She has also noticed more granny moments; when she forgets what she was going to say next or why she has come upstairs. On the plus side, however, she is relieved that she no longer experiences premenstrual mood swings.

Marcia does not feel that her symptoms are severe enough to go on HRT and would prefer to try homeopathic or herbal remedies if necessary. She is disappointed that her GP did not give her any information about menopausal symptoms and treatment options. From a social perspective, she believes women’s issues are brushed under the carpet;. The reticence to discuss aspects of the menopause or to provide relevant information leaves women feeling unsupported and confused.

As a menopausal woman, Marcia is enjoying the fact that she no longer has periods. With five grandchildren, she is coming to terms with the fact that her own baby days are over;. After giving so much time to others, Marcia is looking forward to having some me time; and dreams of having a nice house by the beach somewhere; in which to spend her retirement.

Marcia was interviewed for Healthtalkonline in February 2009.

Marcia has put on weight around her midriff. She talks about her fifties stomach

Age at interview 46

Gender Female

Marcia wishes that womens issues were not brushed under the carpet in our society

Age at interview 46

Gender Female

Marcia felt more comfortable seeing a female GP

Age at interview 46

Gender Female

Marcia says that literature would help at an early stage

Age at interview 46

Gender Female

Marcia manages to sleep even though she has night sweats

Age at interview 46

Gender Female

Marcia calls times when her memory fails granny moments

Age at interview 46

Gender Female