Interview 51

He had a stroke due to a clot aged 38 which caused severe aphasia and right paralysis of his leg and arm. Medication’ dipyridamole (blood pressure), aspirin (antiplatelet), simvastatin (cholesterol).

This man is interviewed with his wife because he has some speech problems. He had a stroke at the age of 38 he is now 44. His stroke was due to a clot in the left hand side of his brain and was due to high blood pressure that he later found out runs in his family. He now takes dipyridamole to control blood pressure, aspirin to prevent a further clot and simvastatin to reduce cholesterol.

His stroke happened when he was studying hard for professional exams and was very stressed. The first signs were loss of speech. His wife initially called a member of the family who was a doctor and he came out, however her husband recovered and it was not until later that night when it happened for a second time that he was rushed into hospital.

The stroke caused paralysis of the right side of his body. He also suffers from severe aphasia and can only communicate with a few words of English. His mother tongue Tamil is however better preserved and he can still sing and pray.

He was in hospital for several months and was helped to get mobile again and had some speech therapy. His wife also found out about an alternative rehabilitation centre in Kerala in India which provided massage and yoga type exercise in a hospital setting. They have been twice both feel that he has made big improvements.

He is very keen to remain independent and has refused help from carers. He does however attend a day centre one day a week. He also attends a support group for people with aphasia and finds it helpful communicate with other people with similar problems. He travels in and out of London independently which has been a huge achievement.

Finds it helpful to go to Connect meetings to discuss news and other issues and to share…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

High blood pressure and high cholesterol run in her husbands family and other family members…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Part of their culture is to help the less able when they are struggling, but the rehabilitation…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

His stick gives him confidence for longer distances because he knows it is there if he stumbles.

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

They felt the speech therapy had been excellent are encouraging their daughter to train as speech…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Her husband initially had problems recognising their daughter which she found upsetting but it…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

He was frustrated because he could not speak and sometimes was impatient with his young daughter.

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

His wife explains that he can still speak Tamil and uses this when he talks with the family but…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

He was still able to sing and pray as these long established functions of language are controlled…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Our Story

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

He was given sheets of cartoon drawing to help him communicate.

Age at interview 44

Gender Male