Contacting the GP and out of hours GP service

After managing their child’s flu or flu-like illness at home, some parents we spoke to decided they needed medical advice or felt that their child needed further treatment. Usually the GP, or the out of hours GP service, was their first point of contact.

Clare likes the way her GP practice operates and appreciates their focus on preventative care.

Age at interview 44

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When there is a trusting relationship and their child’s condition is already well understood by the GP, parents knew they could ring and get advice from their GP, explain what was happening, and if appropriate, get a prescription over the phone. Getting a sick child with complex health needs to the GP surgery often added to parental stress.

Alessio has complex needs. If Georgina telephones early in the morning, their GP will always give him an appointment that day and usually prescribes antibiotic treatment or she will go to the walk-in centre.

Age at interview 50

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When Daniel has an ordinary head cold his asthma medicines are increased but if he develops a crackly chest infection he needs antibiotic treatment. His GP prescribes them, there is no debate.

Age at interview 27

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The priority for most parents was to get the child to a GP within a few hours, so that they could be assessed and start taking medication as soon as possible. Some GP practices offered good access and same day appointments which reassured the parents but appointment systems were sometimes inflexible, inaccesible or disrupted the continuity of care. It could slow everything down when they had to see a new GP, or an out of hours doctor who didn’t know them and understand the child’s underlying condition.

Fiona finds it difficult to get an appointment for Meg to see her own GP. She won’t see the nurse and often she manages her illness at home until she decides she needs to go to hospital for tests.

Age at interview 39

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Daniel has asthma and he will usually get an appointment at the GP’s the same day. But they have to go through a nurse triage process first and sometimes he does not get seen until the end of the day.

Age at interview 27

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Parents often described good working relationships with their GP service and said they had worked out with their doctor what to do if the same thing happened again.

It has been very beneficial to see the same GP each time Alex is ill; their practice has made this possible even though most patients see any member of the GP team.

Age at interview 50

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Out of hours GP

If the child became ill when their GP practice was closed, parents usually contacted the out of hours GP service, attended a Walk in clinic (if there was one in their area) or made an appointment via 111 for an out of hours service at their local hospital.

Sharon will make an appointment with the out of hours hospital based GP service via 111 if she thinks Henry is deteriorating and he cannot wait until the next day to see his own GP. She would prefer to speak to a doctor on the phone.

Age at interview 44

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Lyndey prefers the out of hours GP because the wait is around 45 minutes rather than 4 hours in A&E. The out of hours service is open all night and in her local town. Georgina prefers to take Alessio to the out of hours GP because he has autism and A&E is such a stressful environment.

The local walk-in centre is open until 9pm and the out of hours GP service until midnight. Nia wishes the pharmacy was also open late at night so that she could get her son’s prescription.

Age at interview 27

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Rebecca cannot understand why there isn’t an out of hours GP service in the large practice in her town. It is sometimes hard to decide whether to call an ambulance; she regrets that GPs no longer offer home visits.

Age at interview 35

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Although the out of hours GP service was valued by these parents, not knowing the doctor had its drawbacks. Damien, whose son has Cri du Chat Syndrome, said it was stressful when he needed to explain his son’s medical history each time. Parents said that they often felt that they had to justify the need for antibiotics to an unfamiliar or out of hours doctor.

Damien has a good relationship with his own GP who regards him as a sensible parent. He wishes that the out of hours GPs would also trust his knowledge and prescribe a course of antibiotics without asking to see Matias.

Age at interview 42

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Lyndey values the local out of hours GP service but since the doctors don’t know her she feels she has to push the competent, capable mother card’ to ensure her son is prescribed antibiotics.

Age at interview 35

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Naomi did not feel confident about their GP’s knowledge of her daughter’s condition and preferred to go straight to the hospital.

Naomi describes an event which caused her to lose trust in her GP’s ability to treat her daughter (who has Type 1 diabetes). She now phones the hospital for advice or goes to A&E.

Age at interview 39

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Some other parents chose to go straight to the hospital – either to the children’s ward or to Accident and Emergency.

See also ‘Managing flu or flu-like illness at home‘, ‘Communicating with health professionals‘, ‘Parents views on the benefits of antibiotics‘.

Deciding when to get medical help

When children with a long term medical condition or disability have flu or flu-like illness they can develop complications and deteriorate quickly. Hospital treatment may...

A&E and the hospital ward

During flu or flu-like illness, some of the parents we spoke to had taken their child to Accident & Emergency (A&E) or to the children's...