Louise – Interview 21

Louise and her partner recently took part in biobanking, which involved donating samples of urine and blood.

Louise and her partner took part in a research project in which blood and urine samples were taken. Other health measurements were also taken and the data collected were used to create a general database of health measurements. Their data and samples were also stored to be used in future research projects with their consent.

There are various reasons why Louise chose to participate in this research. She knew the research also incorporated research into diabetes which is an area she has both professional and personal interest in. Louise works as a research nurse in clinical trials and also her family has a history of diabetes. Another reason is she values medical research; Louise’s own children benefitted from medical assistance when they were born and she describes her participation in medical research as a form of gratitude or payback. Louise also describes how participating in the research provided her with a free MOT;. She explains how she and her partner are keen on endurance exercise and so they were interested to find out their health measurements such as blood lipids and body fat. In addition to this project they also tested wrist and ankle bands which measured intensity of exercise and Louise was very proud to break a record with the highest score (however she was training for a marathon during this period).

Louise discusses how it is important for her to be in support of the research aims before choosing to participate. She believes that in an ideal world medical research would be funded by a neutral government source rather than pharmaceutical companies but recognises that in reality this is unlikely to happen. Louise feels confident that there are enough ethical regulations in place for companies to follow to ensure participants are not taken advantage of.

Louise advises that researchers should evaluate their recruitment methods to make participation more accessible and attractive. She explains how the poster she saw was not entirely clear, and nor was the information leaflet, and even though Louise is a research nurse she still had to ask a lot of questions. She feels that participating with her partner helped her feel informed as they could discuss any concerns or experiences with one another. Louise also suggests potential participants should be informed of the benefits of taking part like the free MOT; but suspects there may be regulations to stop this.

With a family history of high Cholesterol, Louise thought being given the results of her…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise gives an example of how the media often misrepresent research findings.

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise discusses how some people she knows would donate some organs, but not others, such as eyes…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise found that the quality of information she got depended on the competence of the staff she…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise participated as a way of repaying the care her children have received throughout their lives.

Age at interview 44

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Louise’s views about animal research have changed as she has got older. She used to be against it…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise took part in biobanking as a healthy volunteer. She is interested in science and helping…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise works in clinical research. She is both professionally and personally interested in…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise’s nursing colleagues have asked her what it is like to be a ‘guinea pig. She thinks…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise and her partner both took part in a study that involved wearing activity monitors.

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise described biobanking as an opportunity to have a ‘free MOT.

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

There is a history of diabetes in Louise’s family which meant she was eligible to take part in a…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male

Louise explains that the project she participated in aimed to collect information about healthy…

Age at interview 44

Gender Male