Rosalynde – Interview 14

Rosalynde was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease a few months ago and has recently been put on steroids after her initial medication, Pentas salicylatem, was not effective. Rosalynde feels that the extreme tiredness she experiences is the worst aspect of her condition.

Rosalynde, 70, started to lose weight in November 2008 and gradually felt worse until March 2009 when she was hospitalised and diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. She was sent home on medication Pentas salicylatem but was unable to have a colonoscopy at that point because of severe inflammation. A partial colonoscopy was conducted later which confirmed the diagnosis. Rosalynde has recently been put on steroids because the medication has had little effect. She is also on Azothiapfrinet and hopes to come off steroids soon.

The dietician Rosalynde was referred to was not helpful and she is now seeing an alternative therapist who has supported her with dietary changes, such as removing wheat, dairy, potatoes, raw vegetables, salad and some fruit from her diet. For Rosalynde, the worst aspect of the condition is the extreme tiredness she experiences which is partly related to erratic bowel movements. Her everyday life has changed at the moment because of the dietary constraints and her lack of energy, although she is hoping that the Crohn’s will be a single episode that she recovers from.

The dietary advice from Rosalyndes consultant and dietician was unhelpful. She is now seeing an…

Age at interview 70

Gender Female

Being Jewish is an important part of Rosalyndes identity but she doesnt think it has had a…

Age at interview 70

Gender Female

Rosalynde noticed that she was losing weight but at the time she had no other symptoms and she…

Age at interview 70

Gender Female

Less energy and difficulties eating out have affected Rosalyndes experiences of going out.

Age at interview 70

Gender Female

Rosalyndes health deteriorated while she was waiting for an appointment with a…

Age at interview 70

Gender Female

Rosalynde thought the preparation for the colonoscopy was worse than the procedure which she was…

Age at interview 70

Gender Female

Rosalynde was disappointed with the poor quality information about diet she received from her…

Age at interview 70

Gender Female

Members of Rosalyndes synagogue did her Pesach shopping when she came out of hospital.

Age at interview 70

Gender Female