Depression and recovery in Australia resources
beyondblue: the national depression initiative
beyondblue produces and refers people in Australia to accurate, up to date, easy to read information on depression, anxiety and related disorders.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is a not-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder in Australia.
Head Space
Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation in Australia, helping young people aged 12 to 25
Life Line Australia
Lifeline connects people in Australia with care by providing services in Suicide Prevention, Crisis Support and Mental Health Support.
SANE Australia
Sane Australia is a national charity working for a better life for people affected by mental illness.
Please download our Mental Health & Wellbeing resources (for UK-based organisations), and our General Health and Practical matters resources.

Who made this Depression and recovery in Australia resource?
Renata Kokanovic Renata Kokanovic is Associate Professor and Monash Fellow at the School of Political and Social Inquiry, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Victoria, Australia....