Taking time to answer my questions and explain things well

– Health professionals explain why I might have developed a problem.
– I am told what a treatment is supposed to do and what side effects it can have.
– I am told about the different steps involved in my care.

Alice wanted to know why she had a heart attack and what she can and can’t do in the future

Age at interview 49

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The care Franks wife Jen received was fantastic in the local and city hospital. There was always…

Age at interview 62

Gender Male

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The cardiac care team gave her plenty of useful information.

Age at interview 57

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 53

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The cardiac nurses were very good at explaining procedures and giving information.

Age at interview 61

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 49

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Samantha and her husband appreciated meeting with paediatricians who explained what would happen…

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 31

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Alex found it hard being in hospital for weeks, separated from her two year old daughter. But…

Age at interview 37

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 36

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